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发布时间:2023-12-09 06:24:49

[单项选择]A. The more I work, the more I love my job. B. The job is OK, but the pay is low.
C. That’s my favorite job. D. I found the job is interesting.

更多"A. The more I work, the more I love"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I love my job, though the pay is not great. What I like best about this job is being outdoors (在户外), seeing how the city changes from season to season. Being in an office, you can’t watch each day of the changing seasons. Driving so much, I’ve seen places that I never would have seen in another job. And I love all kinds of weather. I like to leave the window down in a fine rain and let it just blow in on me. Out in the countryside on a long drive, with the fresh (新鲜的)air and the shining sun, you just seem to want to drive all your life. At least(至少), that’s how it is for me. I enjoy meeting so many different people, too. I might not have met some of them before this job. Some people are in the greatest rush and say," Get me there as fast as you can. "They are in such a hurry that they often forget to pay when they get there. A few people don’t like to have a woman driver. The only great difficulty in this work for me is to drive at night. I have two little children. What is the wri
A. A bus driver.
B. A taxi driver.
C. A train driver.

Man: I love my computer.
Woman: Computers are so cool.
Man: I love to go online.
Woman: (5)
Man: You can not only get the information you want, but also travel all over the world.
Woman: I know. (6)
Man: Yes. I went to Canada yesterday.
Woman: What did you do
Man: I stood on the Rocky Mountain and looked all around.
Woman: What was it like (7)
Man: Yes, I felt like I was actually there,

5( ).
A. Have you traveled online
B. Was it like the real thing
C. The Internet is amazing.
D. But surfing online takes a lot of time.
[单项选择]I have to catch up on my work tonight, so I can’t go to the movies with you.()
A. 我今晚得把工作赶完,所以我不能和你一起去看电影了。
B. 我今晚不得不把工作赶完,所以我不会和你一起去看电影。
C. 我今晚必须赶完我的工作,所以我不会和你一起去看电影了。
D. 我今晚必须赶完我的工作,所以我不能和你去电影院。

I love my little girl no less than any mother, yet we don’t live together. I am in prison (监狱). I can’t take her to school, or take her in my arms, or put her to bed each night. Sometimes on the phone, she says, "Don’t ever be naughty (调皮) again, Mummy."
Her pain, —my punishment (惩罚).
From the passage we can guess that the writer feels very ______.

I love my little girl no less than any mother, yet we don’t live together. I am in prison (监狱). I can’t take her to school, or take her in my arms, or put her to bed each night. Sometimes on the phone, she says, "Don’t ever be naughty (调皮) again, Mummy."
Her pain, —my punishment (惩罚).
What do you know about the writer [A] She worked in the prison. [B] She is a little girl’s mother. [C] She didn’t love her child, so they didn’t live together.
[填空题]In certain areas of my work, people are a more valuable resource than technology.
[单项选择]My boss ______ me to work more carefully.
A. made
B. let
C. had
D. advised
[填空题] Simon:
I work not because I like it but that I have to, so I often count the minutes until stopping work or holidays. However, my sister is totally different. She enjoys her work so much that she often spends extra time on her job even take work home with her. I think she is so crazy about work just as some people are about drugs or alcohol. I could hardly understand it.
Work is a core element of our lives. It gives us a sense of identity in the larger world outside the personal circle of family and friends. However, there are some people for whom work occupies an even more central place in their lives. Workaholics are a stereotype of modem life, and they are both praised and criticized. On the one hand, it may be the accepted way of earning promotion. On the other hand, workaholics are often viewed as neglecting aspects of life such as family and leisure that are important for maintaining a healthy equilibrium.


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