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发布时间:2024-06-28 05:07:00

[填空题]In a marital relationship, power determines which spouse makes decisions, which spouse exerts the most{{U}} (36) {{/U}}on the other, and which spouse clearly dominates the other. Since money {{U}}(37) {{/U}}power in our society, the husband’s greater earning power has traditionally given him the{{U}} (38) {{/U}}in exercising power. When the wife brings home a paycheck of her own, it is likely that she gains more say in family decisions. Many studies have{{U}} (39) {{/U}}that employed wives do exert more power in family decision making. Because working wives have gained{{U}} (40) {{/U}}serf-sufficiency, they have the option to leave the marriage; that very fact{{U}} (41) {{/U}}their influence in the relationship. The balance of decision-making power in a family is not solely{{U}} (42) {{/U}}on economic resources. Social class, personality traits, and other{{U}} (43) {{/U}}play a significant part in the acquisition of power. Upper-and middle-class groups are first

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[填空题]In a marital relationship, power determines which spouse makes decisions, which spouse exerts the most{{U}} (36) {{/U}}on the other, and which spouse clearly dominates the other. Since money {{U}}(37) {{/U}}power in our society, the husband’s greater earning power has traditionally given him the{{U}} (38) {{/U}}in exercising power. When the wife brings home a paycheck of her own, it is likely that she gains more say in family decisions. Many studies have{{U}} (39) {{/U}}that employed wives do exert more power in family decision making. Because working wives have gained{{U}} (40) {{/U}}serf-sufficiency, they have the option to leave the marriage; that very fact{{U}} (41) {{/U}}their influence in the relationship. The balance of decision-making power in a family is not solely{{U}} (42) {{/U}}on economic resources. Social class, personality traits, and other{{U}} (43) {{/U}}play a significant part in the acquisition of power. Upper-and middle-class groups are first
[单项选择]Women still have an uneasy relationship with power and the traits necessary to be a leader. There is this internalized fear that if we are really powerful, we are going to be considered heartless or unpleasantly aggressive or forceful. We are still working at trying to overcome the fear that power and womanliness are mutually exclusive.
In my case, I think I may have had an easier time dealing with this fear because my first taste of leadership came in a situation in which I was a blissfully (幸福地) ignorant outsider. It was in college, when I became president of the Cambridge Union debating society. Since I had grown up in Greece, I had never heard of the Cambridge Union or the Oxford Union and didn’t know about their place in English culture, so I wasn’t weighed down with the kinds of overwhelming notions that may have stopped British girls from even thinking about trying for such a position.
The same thing happened when my first book, The Female Woman, came ou
A. inconsiderate
B. lacking in womanliness
C. incompetent
D. lacking in leadership
Coherence determines whether a speech is logical and thus makes sense. The speaker must make (31) that his utterances and paragraphs are presented in a logical sequence se that his thoughts and ideas are readily acceptable. A speech may be compared (32) a freight train. The locomotive is the thematic statement in a speech that gives the train (speech) its direction. Each car is an utterance in a paragraph or a paragraph in a speech that must follow the (33) of the train, for it must go where the locomotive goes. It is couplings that hold the cars together, ensuring that all the cars will arrive at same destination as the locomotive. (34) ; the same way, a speaker must supply the links between the utterances and paragraphs to give his listeners a directional signal to indicate (35) is to follow and how it (36) to what is preceded.
Since transmitting ideas orally requires attention to the perceived coherence pf s


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