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发布时间:2024-07-31 18:11:10

[单项选择]{{B}}Text 2{{/B}}
Just where exactly is my home In Britain of course. I was born here, grew up here—I had no choice in the matter. From an early age I got used to the way of life here—after all, how could I survive if I didn’t I came in contact with the British, I never felt any hostility towards them; I never wanted to cause any offense. But what have I in my turn received Racial discrimination. This has. been embodied in countless incidents.
It was in middle school that racial discrimination was most obvious. I was often the victim of racial taunts. After undergoing such a humiliation, I would feel a mixture of anger and depression. However, the worst thing was knowing hell well that even if I reported this to a teacher. It would be to no avail. Outside school, racial discrimination is far subtler. Some English—it’s all over their face.<
A. disrespect to people of other nationality
B. hostility towards foreigners
C. hostility towards people speaking other languages
D. disrespect to people of a different color

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[单项选择]{{B}}Text 2{{/B}}
Just where exactly is my home In Britain of course. I was born here, grew up here—I had no choice in the matter. From an early age I got used to the way of life here—after all, how could I survive if I didn’t I came in contact with the British, I never felt any hostility towards them; I never wanted to cause any offense. But what have I in my turn received Racial discrimination. This has. been embodied in countless incidents.
It was in middle school that racial discrimination was most obvious. I was often the victim of racial taunts. After undergoing such a humiliation, I would feel a mixture of anger and depression. However, the worst thing was knowing hell well that even if I reported this to a teacher. It would be to no avail. Outside school, racial discrimination is far subtler. Some English—it’s all over their face.<
A. black
B. white
C. brown
D. yellow

Just where exactly is my home In Britain of course. I was born here, grew up here—I had no choice in the matter. From an early age I got used to the way of life here—after all, how could I survive if I didn’t I came in contact with the British, I never felt any hostility towards them; I never wanted to cause any offense. But what have I in my turn received Racial discrimination. This has. been embodied in countless incidents.
It was in middle school that racial discrimination was most obvious. I was often the victim of racial taunts. After undergoing such a humiliation, I would feel a mixture of anger and depression. However, the worst thing was knowing hell well that even if I reported this to a teacher. It would be to no avail. Outside school, racial discrimination is far subtler. Some English—it’s all over their face.
Of course, a British person will probably think I’m paranoid or just too sensitive, a depressive even. Perhap
A. black
B. white
C. brown
D. yellow

[单项选择]Just where exactly is my home In Britain of course. I was born here, grew up here—I had no choice in the matter. From an early age I got used to the way of life here—after all, how could I survive if I didn’t I came in contact with the British, I never felt any hostility towards them; I never wanted to cause any offense. But what have I in my turn received Racial discrimination. This has. been embodied in countless incidents.
It was in middle school that racial discrimination was most obvious. I was often the victim of racial taunts. After undergoing such a humiliation, I would feel a mixture of anger and depression. However, the worst thing was knowing hell well that even if I reported this to a teacher. It would be to no avail. Outside school, racial discrimination is far subtler. Some English—it’s all over their face.
Of course, a British person will probably think I’m paranoid or just too sensitive, a depressive even. Perhaps the latter may have some truth in it.
A. black
B. white
C. brown
D. yellow

Exactly where we will stand in the long war against disease by the year 2050 is impossible to say. (46) But if developments in research maintain their current pace, it seems likely that a combination of improved attention to dietary and environmental factors, along with advances in gene therapy and protein targeted drugs, will have virtually eliminated most major classes of disease.
From an economic standpoint, the best news may he that these accomplishments could be accompanied by a drop in health-care costs. (47) Costs may even fall as diseases are brought under control using pinpointed, short term therapies now being developed. By 2050 there will he fewer hospitals, and surgical procedures will be largely restricted to the treatment of accidents and other forms of trauma. Spending on nonacute care, both in nursing facilities and in homes, will also fall sharply as more elderly people lead healthy lives until close to death.
One result of medicine&


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