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发布时间:2024-03-30 21:15:41

[单项选择]If we had to rely on only five senses for survival, we would be in very sad shape indeed. We wouldn’t know up from down. We wouldn’t know when to eat or drink. We wouldn’t know what our muscles were doing or what position our limbs were in. We wouldn’t know when our body was damaged because we wouldn’t feel pain. We might freeze to death without even a shiver, or overheat without a drop of sweat. The five senses--touch, taste, smell, bearing and sight-respond only to stimulation from the outside world, but the inside world of our bodies must also receive and respond to important messages.
Our internal senses keep us alive and enable us to use our external senses. In effect, the internal senses tell our brains how to run our bodies. Hunger or thirst register in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus(丘脑下部) , when a lack of food chemicals are detected in the blood.
Another internal sense that controls our balance is maintained by three fluid-filled loops in the inner
A. internal senses
B. sense of balance
C. five senses
D. brain’s function

更多"If we had to rely on only five sens"的相关试题:

[单项选择]If we had to rely on only five senses for survival, we would be in very sad shape indeed. We wouldn’t know up from down. We wouldn’t know when to eat or drink. We wouldn’t know what our muscles were doing or what position our limbs were in. We wouldn’t know when our body was damaged because we wouldn’t feel pain. We might freeze to death without even a shiver, or overheat without a drop of sweat. The five senses--touch, taste, smell, bearing and sight-respond only to stimulation from the outside world, but the inside world of our bodies must also receive and respond to important messages.
Our internal senses keep us alive and enable us to use our external senses. In effect, the internal senses tell our brains how to run our bodies. Hunger or thirst register in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus(丘脑下部) , when a lack of food chemicals are detected in the blood.
Another internal sense that controls our balance is maintained by three fluid-filled loops in the inner
A. too much food and water in the body
B. a lack of oxygen in the blood
C. seeing or thinking about food
D. a lack of certain chemicals in the blood
[填空题]Only when we had studied the data again ______ (我们才意识到真正的问题是什么).

[单项选择]No sooner had we finished the conversation ( ) we heard a knock on the door.
A. when
B. then
C. than
D. until
[单项选择]No sooner had we reached the top of hill ( ) we all sat down to rest.
A. when
B. then
C. than
D. until
[单项选择]Had we known your specific requirements, we _______ you a firm offer.
A. will fax
B. fax
C. have faxed
D. would have faxed
[单项选择]We only had $ 100 and that was()to buy a new computer
A. nowhere near enough
B. near enough nowhere
C. enough near nowhere
D. near nowhere enough
[单项选择]We have had an industrial civilization for only 200 years and already we’re stockpiling nuclear weapons, overpopulating the planet, poisoning the air, the water and the soil, destroying fertile land, developing an energy crisis, and running low on resources.
Many think glumly that there is no solution to all this--that we are headed on a collision course with damnation and that we are the last generation of civilization. It can even be argued that this is the inevitable consequence of intelligence: that intelligent beings anywhere gradually develop a greater and greater understanding of the laws of nature until their power exceeds their wisdom and they destroy themselves. If that is so, we may find no evidence of civilizations elsewhere, not because none have developed, but because none have endured.
But if we: do find evidence of a civilization, one that is further advanced than our own (or its signals would not be so powerful as to reach us, since we can’t dispose of enough


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