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发布时间:2024-05-19 04:05:09

[简答题]We are major importers of textiles in Amman, and would like you to send us your exports’ details.

更多"We are major importers of textiles "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Diane Larsen-Freeman was a ______ major when she was an undergraduate student.
A. sociology
B. psychology
C. philosophy
D. anthropology
[简答题]School What is your major in your university Why did you choose it
[单项选择]Passage One Toward twelve o’ clock, when we were crossing a high land, we heard the cry of a young animal, which we all recognized to be a baby ape. We crawled through the bush as silently as possible, still hearing the baby-like cry. Then a frightened little ape came into our sight. I could not tell my surprise when I saw that the baby ape’ s face was pure white - very white indeed - pallid. The little one was about a foot in height. One of the men threw cloth over its head and we secured it with a rope. I called him Tommy, to which name he soon began to answer. He had a great affection for me, and used constantly to follow me about. When I sat down, he was not content till he had climbed upon me and hid his head in my breast. He was extremely fond of being petted and fondled and would sit for hours while any one stroked his head or back. He soon began to be a great thief. When the people left their huts he would steal in and make off with their plantains or fish. He wa
A. He saw it in remote distance.
B. It jumped right in front of him.
C. He heard its frightened cry.
D. He was told that it was there.
[单项选择]My mother told me a story every evening while we waited for father to close the shop and come home. The shop remained open till midnight. Bullock-carts in long caravans arrived late in the evening from distant villages, loaded with coconut, rice, and other commodities for the market. The animals were unyoked under the big tamarind tree for the night, and the cartmen drifted in twos and threes to the shop, for a chat or to ask for things to eat or smoke. How my father loved to discuss with them the price of grain, rainfall, harvest, and the state of irrigation channels. Or they talked about old litigations. One heard repeated references to magistrates, affidavits, witnesses in the case, and appeals, punctuated with roars of laughter—possibly the memory of some absurd legality or loophole tickled them. My father ignored food and sleep when he had company. My mother sent me out several times to see if he could be. made to turn in. He was a man of uncertain temper and one could not rea
A. Sometimes during lawsuits, one side or the other tricked the law, probably by finding faults in the legal code which were favorable to themselves.
B. There were times when the courts came to foolish decisions.
C. Matters related to fanning were of great interest to them.
D. The magistrates were ludicrous.
[简答题]We cannot draw to us more than we believe we are worth. Everything that happens to us and every choice we make is a reflection of what we believe about who we are. Our inspiration comes from our self-acceptance. Our motivation comes from our self-reliance. When we accept ourselves and rely on ourselves, we feel good about ourselves. When you feel good about something, you believe in it. When you believe in it, it will work for you!
[多项选择]Dear Mr. Grant,
I’m pleased to tell you that we would like to offer you the post of Branch Manager of our Company in Hong Kong. The position is as important as your present job, because this branch is larger. We will give you a 10% increase in salary, and other benefits. Your new job will start at the beginning of November.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
James Brook
General Manager
· You want the job, but there are some problems. Write a letter:
√ Thanking him for the offer
√ Giving a reason why you cannot start until December
√ Asking for a bigger increase in salary
√ Requesting details about the other benefits.
· Write 60 -80 words.
· Write on your Answer Sheet. Do not include any postal addresses.
[单项选择]We all laugh. We all hurt. We all make mistakes. We all dream, That’s life. It’s a journey. Please follow these rules to make the journey of your life a journey of joy!
(62) positive through the cold season could be your best (63) against getting ill, new study findings suggest.
In an experiment that (64) healthy volunteers to a cold or flu virus, researchers found that people with a (65) sunny disposition were less likely to (66) ill. The findings, published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, build on evidence (67) a "positive emotional style" can help (68) off the common cold and other illnesses.
Researchers believe the reasons may be both objective as in happiness (69) immune function and subjective as in happy people being less (70) by a scratchy throat or runny nose. "People with a positive emotional style may have different immune (71) to the viru
A. thought
B. related
C. interpreted
D. translated


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