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发布时间:2023-11-15 23:59:18

[填空题]I am (please) _________ to inform you that you have won the first prize.

更多"I am (please) _________ to inform y"的相关试题:

[填空题]I can’t invite you to dinner this week as I am having my house (paint)______ at the moment.

[填空题]When should you write the abstract After you have finished ______________________.
[单项选择]Please inform the supervisor if this
photocopier runs out of ink.
The supervisor
A. needs to know if there is no ink in the photocopier.
B. should repair the photocopier if it prints badly.
C. will tell you how to repair the photocopier without ink.
[简答题]{{B}}Scenario: Organising a meeting{{/B}} You have been asked to organise a meeting for all staff in your department. Talk together about what you need to do and decide which three things you should do first. Here are some ideas to help you. ·organise refreshments ·book a meeting room ·decide on the agenda of the meeting ·invite all the participants ·decide on the date and starting time of the meeting ·set a time limit for the meeting ·ask the participants to prepare for the meeting

W: Please, please, can you help me I. seem to have lost my handbag.
M: Calm down, madam. Well, I’ll have to fill out this report for you. What color is it, madam
W: Well, it is a white one.
M: How big is it
W: Mm, I guess it’s about one foot long and seven inches tall.
M: One foot long and seven inches tall. What’s in the bag, madam
W: There is a wallet, two keys, and a letter.
M: And where did you leave it’
W: I am sure I left it in the coffee shop on the 5th floor.
M: Don’t worry, madam. I am sure we can find it. Now could you give me your name, your address and telephone number

Where did the conversation most probably take place ( )
A. In a restaurant.
B. In the police station.
C. In a shop.
[填空题]Football is more than ____________(通往名利之路) you have to prepare for the stresses.

[填空题]Thank you for offering help, but I’ ye already have my car (repair) ______.

W: May I help you, sir
M: I’d like to have a look at the menu first.

Where does the talk possibly take place ()
A. In a restaurant.
B. At a party.
C. In a hospital.
D. In a shop.
[简答题]If you think I am qualified for this job, I shall be glad to _________________ (在您方便的时候安排一场面试).
[单项选择]______one you choose, I am sure you will enjoy it.
A. Whatever
B. Which
C. That
D. Whichever
[单项选择]To drive any motor vehicle in Britain you must have a valid driving license and insurance. The minimum age for a driving license is seventeen for a car or motor cycle. During your first year your own overseas driving license or International Driving Permit (许可证) will qualify you to drive, If you are from a European Community country, you can exchange your existing full license for a full British one as long as you apply within the first 12 months of taking up residency.
A learner driver must display the prescribed ’L’ plate on any vehicle the driver is driving and must be accompanied by a supervisor (监管人) who holds a full license for that type of vehicle.
You will need to read and know the British Highway Code (公路法规) which summarizes the traffic laws. Most important, in Britain we drive on the left and overtake (超车) on the right. It is compulsory for anyone on a motor cycle to wear a regulation crash helmet(头盔) and for both the front seat occupants in a car to wear seat belts


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