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发布时间:2024-07-27 04:13:28

[单项选择]There {{U}}will be{{/U}} more than {{U}}three hundreds{{/U}} students {{U}}taking{{/U}} part in the {{U}}sports meet{{/U}}.
A. will be
B. three hundreds
C. taking
D. sports meet

更多"There {{U}}will be{{/U}} more than "的相关试题:

[单项选择]There {{U}}will be{{/U}} more than {{U}}three hundreds{{/U}} students {{U}}taking{{/U}} part in the {{U}}sports meet{{/U}}.
A. will be
B. three hundreds
C. taking
D. sports meet
[单项选择]Passage Three
More than 6,000 children were expelled (开除) from US school last year for bringing guns and bombs to school, the US Department of Education said on May 8.
The department gave a report to the expulsions (开除) as saying handguns accounted for 58% of the 6,093 expulsions in 1996—1997, against 7% for rifles (步枪) or shotguns and 35% for other types of firearms.
"The report is a clear sign that our nation’s public schools are cracking down (严惩) on students who bring guns to school," Education Secretary Richard Riley said in a statement.
In March 1997, an 11-year old boy and a 13-year old boy using handguns and rifles shot dead four children and a teacher at a school in Arkansas. In October, two were killed and seven wounded in a shooting at a Mississippi school. Two months later, a 14-year old boy killed three high school s
A. students enjoy shooting
B. safety is a problem
C. students are eager to be solider.
D. students can make guns.
More than three years after moving from Australia to this remote part of England, we are still learning how things are done here.
Not too long after we arrived and unpacked, we were invited for "a drink on Sunday morning" by a retired couple nearby. We got there about noon, to find the living-room crowded—lots of chat and discussions, and on all a very jolly occasion.
Trouble was, there was no food—no self-respecting Australian would regard a tray of crisps as food. In Sydney, when you are invited for a drink any time after midday on a Sunday, you know you will be fed as well as watered and you plan accordingly. Meaning the hard-worked little woman makes no plans to cook lunch because you are eating out.
By one-fifteen my stomach was sending up "please explain" to me. Even the crisps had gone. There was nothing we could do except wait, an
A. (A) the only people there
B. (B) given lunch as well
C. (C) taken to a restaurant for lunch
D. (D) asked to take some food with them
[填空题]More than three million children have health insurance now, and more than two and a half million families ________________ (已经摆脱贫困).

[填空题]What do recent studies show No more than three drinks a day may significantly ______ of a heart attack.
[单项选择]Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Cost: (4) each
Expected guest numbers: (5)
Departure & Return: 3pm - 11pm
Programme: Mulberry Farm arrive: 4pm
Riverbank Winery arrive: (6)
Houghtons arrive: 5:45pm
Dinner 7:30pm
Live Show 8:30pm
Form of payment: Credit card
Cardholder’s name: Fleur (7)
Type: Visa Number: (8)
Meal type: (9) (x2)Which picture (A-C) shows the Swan Valley Mistress
A. [*]
B. [*]
C. [*]
[填空题]Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or A NUMBER.
Chilli-Cook’s notes

Origin: South America
Oldest archaeological evidence: chillies cultivated in (11)
Europeans introduced to chillies:
Spanish → sent shiploads of chillies to Europe
Portuguese → took chilli plants with them to (12) Indies
Southern Europe and Asia: ideal climates for growing chillies; both fresh and
powdered forms popular
Now: chillies grown all over the world, except in (13)
Confusion over nomenclature: early Spanish and Portuguese used same word for
both chillies and (14)


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