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发布时间:2023-10-16 15:58:27

A. 小孙用不去"家乐福"等法国超市的实际行动来表示不满和抗议
B. 小李呼吁游行、示威来表示中国人民的不满
C. 小王认为我们应该集中精力做好本职工作
D. 小赵通过QQ、因特网等现代信息渠道来表明不满和抗议


A. 小孙用不去“家乐福”等法国超市的实际行动来表示不满和抗议
B. 小李呼吁游行、示威来表示中国人民的不满
C. 小王认为我们应该集中精力做好本职工作
D. 小赵通过QQ、因特网等现代信息渠道来表明不满和抗议
[单项选择](1)—次无意,主人在草料中加了一把盐,立刻变得有滋有味 (2)然而,第二天,这头驴就皱着眉头找草吃了 (3)—头毛驴,天天吃着主人给的靑草,索然无味 (4)一则寓言,警示好东两应适时,适度 (5)毛驴大喜,宣布从此以后,每天不吃草料光吃盐
A. (5)-(3)-(1)-(4)-(2) 
B. (5)-(1)-(3)-(4)-(2) 
C. (3)-(1)-(5)-(2)-(4) 
D. (3)-(1)-(2)-(5)-(4)
[单项选择]Reporters rushed to the Airport after the CNN reported that nine passengers ______ by a "terrorist" on the plane.
A. were holding
B. held
C. had held
D. were being held
[单项选择]1 NEW DELHI, India (CNN) - Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party has conceded defeat in parliamentary elections in a stunning voting upset that should see the return of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty to power.
2 Vajpayee - who called the election six months early - is also expected to resign later Thursday, BJP President Venkaiah Naldu said.
3 The move follows a stronger than anticipated showing from the main Congress party headed by Italian born-Sonia Gandhi.
4 Though the party won’t be able to form a majority, the stage has now been set for Gandhi to become the next prime minister in the world’s biggest democracy.
5 Counting is continuing but unofficial trends by major TV stations and early results have Congress leading the BJP and likely to win over 200 seats in the 543-member lower house, or Lok Sabha.
6 The immediate result of the vote count is likely to be a hung parliament, with no party gaining a clear majority of 272 seats.
7 Se
A. Atal Behari Vajpayee has served as Indian Prime Minister for over 15 years.
B. Congress party defeated Bharatiya Janata Party in parliamentary elections against all expections.
C. Bharatiya Janata Party will be the biggest Opposite party.
D. Congress party is in favor of socialism while Bharatiya Janata Party is for the nation’s ric
[单项选择]1 BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN Thursday, May 13, 2004) -- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld Thursday arrived in the Iraqi capital on a surprise visit to rally U.S. troops, but denied his agenda was to calm the storm over prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib prison.
2 "If anybody thinks that I’m [in Iraq] to throw water on a fire, they’re wrong," Rumsfeld told reporters on board his flight to Iraq.
3 "We care about the detainees being treated fight. We care about soldiers behaving right. We care about command systems working."
4 Rumsfeld was accompanied by Gen. Richard Myers, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and a team of Pentagon attorneys, sources involved in planning the trip told CNN.
5 Rumsfeld and Myers will meet with top coalition officials in Iraq. For security reasons, details of their schedules are being kept secret. It is Rumsfeld’s fifth visit to Iraq - his last trip coming on February 23.
6 Seven soldiers face criminal charges in the abuse case, and three of them hav
A. calm the storm over prisoner abuse
B. rally U.S. troops
C. escape censure at Home
D. replace top coalition officials
[单项选择]{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}
1 GAZA CITY (CNN Thursday, May 13, 2004 Posted: 8:35 AM EDT (1235 GMT))-Two Israeli helicopter attacks Thursday in Gaza’s Rafah refugee camp have killed 10 people, according to Palestinian security and medical sources.
2 The strikes followed Palestinian attacks on Israeli soldiers Tuesday and Wednesday that have claimed 11 soldiers’ lives. This week, violence in Gaza has claimed the lives at least 33 Palestinians as well as the 11 soldiers.
3 The fighting comes as Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon works on revising his plan to withdraw military personnel and Jewish settlements from Gaza and parts of the West Bank.
4 Israel Defense Forces began the Gaza operation Monday night, saying the mission was aimed at destroying workshops used by Palestinian terrorists to construct Qassam rockets.
5 Israeli helicopters first attack
A. Israeli helicopters strike in Gaza camp — Ariel Sharon’s work on revising his plan — an Israeli missile strike in Rafah—the beginning of the Gaza operation
B. Ariel Sharon’s work on revising his plan — Israeli helicopters strike in Gaza camp — an Israeli missile strike in Rafah — the beginning of the Gaza operation
C. The beginning of the Gaza operation — Ariel Sharon’s work on revising his plan — an Israeli missile strike in Rafah — Israeli helicopters strike in Gaza camp
D. Ariel Sharon’s work on revising his plan — the beginning of the Gaza operation — an Israeli missile strike in Rafah — Israeli helicopters strike in Gaza camp
[单项选择]{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}
1 BEIJING, China (CNN Thursday, May 13, 2004) - A Beijing court has sentenced a U.S.-based Chinese dissident to five years in prison after convicting him of espionage and illegal border crossing, his lawyer said.
2 yang Jianli has already been imprisoned in Beijing for more than two years.
3 He will not receive credit for time served, according to his U.S.-based attorney Jared Genser. Yang, a Chinese scholar living in the Boston area with permanent U.S. residency, was arrested in April 2002 on charges of using a friend’s passport to enter China and traveling with a fake identity card for a week to observe labor unrest in northeastern China.
4 Genser said the spying charge was related to a small foundation that Yang ran from his home from 1992 to 1993.
5 The Chinese government charged that he received $400 in funding from
A. objective
B. appreciative
C. critical
D. sarcastic


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