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发布时间:2023-11-22 02:35:34

[简答题]To please the children,some fireworks were set off a day earlier.

更多"To please the children,some firewor"的相关试题:

[单项选择]How many people were laid off
A. 5
B. 750
C. 7,500
D. 15,000
[填空题]Language immersion programmes were set up for sectors of the population.
[单项选择]Before the students set off, they spent much time setting a limit ______the expenses of the trip.
A. to
B. about
C. in
D. for
[简答题]The Microsoft’s rise to prominence set off an explosion in demand for all things digital and sparked the Internet boom, because every investor looked at the Internet and concluded that if everything was going to be digitized—data, inventories, commerce, books and entertainment—and transported and sold on the Internet, the demand for Internet-based products and services would be infinite. This led to the dot-corn stock bubble and a massive overinvestment in the fiber-optic cable needed to carry all the new digital information. As a result, some companies became bankrupt and some were struggling to stay in business. Keep in mind that cyberspace promises both opportunities and high risks.
[填空题]I’ve heard that the musical group will set off for Hong Kong to give a three-day ( perform ) ________.
[单项选择]My father waved me goodbye and the bus set off. The person sitting 41 to me was a government engineer going to Peshwar 42 inspect the roads. He said that traveling by bus was an excellent way to test the roads. We passed many villages 43 the way and stopped once or 44 to buy cold drinks, 45 it was very hot and dusty. The countryside was brown and dry and there were long stretches with no people 46 villages in sight. We 47 to stop once at some road works, 48 made my traveling companion very happy. Most of us were dozing 49 the afternoon heat when we were woken by a sudden noise,which 50 like a shot from a gun. As the bus swerved and then stopped at the side of the road, I remembered all the stories I had heard about herd of robbers who used to attack travelers on deserted roads like this. Many of the other passengers looked as bewildered and frightened as I 51 A. two times
B. twice
C. many times
D. thrice


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