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发布时间:2023-11-01 18:55:35

[填空题]--How about Jim --he came home _____.

更多"--How about Jim --he came home ___"的相关试题:

[填空题]How did Jim imply the visitor that he should leave By holding ______ in his mouth.
[单项选择]How is Jim now
A. He is in hospital.
B. He doesn’t work in the hospital.
C. He is OK.

How did he spend his spare time He spent all his spare time ______.
[单项选择]He showed how stubborn he was by doing it in his own way and refusing to listen to advice()
A. 他通过自行其事来显示他是多么顽固不化,并且他还拒绝听取别人的忠告。
B. 他拒绝听取别人的劝告,只照自己的方式去做这件事,表现得很顽固。
C. 他拒绝别人的忠告,并以自己的方式行事,以此来显示他的顽固。
D. 他按自己的方式来做这件事,以此来表现自己的顽固和拒听忠告。
How will he get to the airport
A. (A) By subway.
B. (B) By car.
C. (C) By taxi.
D. (D) By bus.
[单项选择]Some of the meat came from Canada. How about _____
A. another
B. the other
C. others
D. the rest
[单项选择]How did he succeed according to himself .
A. By helping others.
B. By being approachable and caring.
C. By being persistent and not satisfied with just coming to work.
D. By having great ambitions.
[填空题] Rock Solid Readers
--How to help your child become a standout student

Library day is the best day of school for five-and-a-half-year-old Victoria Lin. She searches for books by her favorite author, Dr Seuss. Her mum has read The Cat in the Hat to her so many times that she can read some of it on her own, with a little help from her memory. She also chooses books she and her dad like to read and talk about, such as non-fiction about firefighters or marine animals. Her family plans to visit an aquarium (水族馆) soon, so the librarian suggests a book on dolphins. Victoria adds it to her own "library" along with one about manatees (海牛) --they fascinate her.
Victoria is well on her way to becoming a good reader, which could make all the difference in the world to her future. Decades of research demonstrate that enjoying reading and reading well are the biggest factors in a child’s school success. Good readers make great


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