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发布时间:2023-10-11 20:57:42

[简答题]Object/ Thing Which is better, go to society before university or go to university directly

更多"Object/ Thing Which is better, go"的相关试题:

[填空题]If our offer is the only thing which bothers you, you can look around and call again for another discussion of our quotations.
[简答题]Which words go together
1. Be a out!
2. Watch b back!
3. Stand c touch!
4. Don’t d careful!

[单项选择]A) I am not better. C) Go ahead.
B) I will D) Glad to meet you.
[单项选择]Which does Ann like better
A. She likes beef better than pork.
B. She likes neither beef nor pork.
C. She likes pork better than beef.
[单项选择]Which students will go on the trip
A. All the students must go on the field trip.
B. The students can all go if they want to.
C. The students who live near the beach.
D. ff the students have no report, they must go to the beach.
[填空题]The important thing is the age at which music lessons are started.
[简答题]Object/ Thing Is it better to have a dog in city or rural area
[单项选择]Which sport is better for the old to do
A. He thinks the lake is very wide, too.
B. He doesn’t think she can see it very well.
C. He doesn’t know why she wants to swim.
[单项选择]Which of the following is NOT the thing the man has suggested the woman should do
A. Talk with professors about her problem.
B. Take some breaks while studying her course.
C. Work out a timetable for her study.
D. Study harder by designing a full schedule.
[单项选择]Which of your two hands do you use much better Very few of us can use both of our hands equally well. Most of us are right-handed. Only about five people out of a hundred are left-handed. Newborn babies can grasp objects with either of their hands, but in about two years they usually prefer to use their right hands.
Scientists don’t know why this happens. They used to think that we inherited this tendency from our animal ancestors, but this may not be true. Monkeys are our closest relatives in the animal world. Scientists have found that monkeys prefer to use one of their hands more than the other, but it can be either hand. There are as many right-handed monkeys as there are left-handed ones. Next time you visit the zoo, watch the monkeys carefully. You’ll see that some of them will prefer to swing from their right hands, and others will use their left hands. But most human beings use their right hands better, and this makes life difficult for those who prefer to use their left h
A. When a child is two years old, he prefers to use both of his hands to grasp objects.
B. Scientists have given the reason for this tendency.
C. A monkey can use both of his hands equally well.
D. Those who prefer to use their left hands live a difficult life.


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