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发布时间:2023-10-13 05:54:53

[单项选择]The analysis suggests that the tradeoff between our children’s college and our own retirement security is chilling.
A. frightening
B. promising
C. freezing
D. revealing

更多"The analysis suggests that the trad"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method(ATAM)是一种软件架构的评估方法,以下关于该方法的叙述中,错误的是______。
A. 对于特定的软件体系结构,在系统开发之前,可以使用ATAM方法确定在多个质量属性之间进行评价和折中
B. 在场景和需求收集有关的活动中,ATAM方法需要所有系统相关人员的参与
C. ATAM分析评估体系结构的过程包括场景开发、体系结构描述、单个场景评估、场景交互和总体评估等5个步骤
D. ATAM方法可视为一个依赖于质量属性的框架,该框架可以使用不同的分析技术
[单项选择]The passage suggests that a semblance between a species’ plumage and the food available in a given ecological niche
A. is an evolutionary advantage because it allows the males and females of the species to forage for food more efficiently
B. is an evolutionary advantage because it tends to permit the isolation of the species population, thus increasing food supply
C. is an evolutionary advantage because it reduces the necessity for rivalry between males of different species by helping identify females
D. is an evolutionary advantage because it minimizes the amount of energy necessary for the courtship process
E. is an evolutionary advantage because it provides a marker for the species’ territory, thus reducing the energy necessary for controlling the niche’s food supply
[简答题]SWOT analysis
[名词解释]componential analysis
[填空题]Paragraph Two Happiness research suggests that neither very good events nor very bad events seem to change people’s happiness much in the long term. Most people, it seems, revert back to some kind of baseline happiness level within a couple of years of even the most devastating events, like the death of a spouse or loss of limbs.
[简答题]Undergraduate employment Analysis
A. A.The survey in the past
B.only one research
C.poor instrument

[填空题]Researchers have found more evidence that suggests a relationship between race and rates of lung cancer among smokers. Some (26) have shown that blacks arc more likely than whites to get lung cancer from smoking.
Researchers at the University of Southern California and the University of Hawaii did the new study. The New England (27) of Medicine (28) the findings.
The eight-year study (29) more than one hundred eighty thousand people. They provided (30) about their tobacco use and their diet as well as other information. They included (31) and former smokers and people who never smoked. Almost two thousand people in the study developed lung cancer.
Researchers say (32) might help explain the racial and ethnic differences. There could be differences in how people’s bodies react to smoke. But (33) influences, including the way people smoke, could also make a difference.


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