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发布时间:2023-12-09 20:51:45

The political crisis in Ukraine, where opposition protesters are burning campfires and setting up tents in the center of Kiev, is presenting a test for Russia, which gambled heavily on its neighbor’s presidential election.
A defeat of the pro-Moscow candidate, Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, would humiliate the Kremlin one year after another former Soviet Republic, Georgia, slipped from its influence, according to observers and political analysts.
The Ukrainian upheaval echoes what happened in Georgia, where protests over vote rigging led to the resignation of a Moscow-linked President and a landslide victory of a young, Western-educated and Western-oriented leader.
For Moscow, the stakes are even higher in Ukraine. Unlike Georgia, Ukraine shares close ethnic and linguistic ties with Russia; Kiev, Ukraine’s capital, is the cradle of th
A. all of the former Soviet Republics betrayed Russia except Ukraine
B. Ukraine is the key to Putin’s political plan
C. Ukraine is unlike Georgia in many aspects
D. Ukraine weighs more for its close link with Russia

更多"The political crisis in Ukraine, wh"的相关试题:

The political crisis in Ukraine, where opposition protesters are burning campfires and setting up tents in the center of Kiev, is presenting a test for Russia, which gambled heavily on its neighbor’s presidential election.
A defeat of the pro-Moscow candidate, Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, would humiliate the Kremlin one year after another former Soviet Republic, Georgia, slipped from its influence, according to observers and political analysts.
The Ukrainian upheaval echoes what happened in Georgia, where protests over vote rigging led to the resignation of a Moscow-linked President and a landslide victory of a young, Western-educated and Western-oriented leader.
For Moscow, the stakes are even higher in Ukraine. Unlike Georgia, Ukraine shares close ethnic and linguistic ties with Russia; Kiev, Ukraine’s capital, is the cradle of th
A. Any of Russia’s improper responses will cause political crisis in Ukraine.
B. Russia had rescheduled a lot of festivities before the actual date of the election.
C. Putin’s congratulation has caused opposition between the two candidates.
D. The voting fraud reported by Kremlin caused a rally in protest.
[填空题]The political crisis ______ (严重影响了社会稳定) in this country.

[名词解释]Aplastic crisis
[简答题]Euro debt crisis
[简答题]Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis
[简答题]A serious transportation crisis is facing developing countries in which rapidly growing cities are creating new transportation needs. Conversely, non-motorized form of transportation like bicycles and tricycles are seen images of backwardness. In some countries, governments are trying to sup press their use.
[单项选择]Passage Three
The current political debate over family values personal responsibility, and welfare takes for granted the entrenched American belief that dependence on government assistance is a recent and destructive phenomenon. Conservatives tend to blame this dependence on personal irresponsibility aggravated by a swollen welfare apparatus that saps individual initiative. Liberals are more likely to blame it on personal misfortune magnified by the harsh lot that falls to losers in our competitive market economy. But both sides believe that "winners" in America make it on their own that dependence reflects some kind of individual or family failure, and that the ideal family is the self-reliant unit of traditional lore--a family that takes care of its own, carves out a future for its children, and never asks for handouts. Politicians at both en
A. minble
B. absurd
C. insular
D. liberal
[简答题]Fears of sovereign debt crisis developed among investors across the globe together with a wave of downgrading of government debt of certain European states.
[填空题]A Through political dialogue and confidence building, no tension has escalated into armed confrontation among ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) member countries since its establishment more than three decades ago. To build on what has been constructed over the years in the field of political and security cooperation, the ASEAN leaders have agreed to establish the ASEAN Security Community (ASC). The ASC aims to ensure that countries in the region live at peace with one another and with the world in a just, democratic and harmonious environment. The members of the Community regard their security as fundamentally linked to one another and bound by geographic location, common vision and objectives.
B EU (European Union) countries account for a small percentage of the world’s population. They must therefore continue pulling together if they are to be able to compete on the world stage with other major economies。No individual EU country is strong enough to go it alone i
[单项选择]Political platforms are usually written for election campaign purposes, then quickly scrapped after a presidential election. But the 1980 Republican platform bore a simple five-word title: "Family, Neighborhood, Work, Peace, Freedom," and was planned and written with the (62) of creating an agenda for a Reagan administration on Day One, Jan 20, 1981. My signal (63) of Reagan’s first year in ofrice is that we were actually able to (64) to the plan that he insisted we put in place.
(65) with the basic policy framework, Reagan’s was one of the most carefully planned presidential (66) in modern political history, filled with teams of "Reaganauts" dispatched to each department and agency in the days following the election Staffing lists were (67) , and presidential and sub-cabinet appointments were made swiftly, and necessary Senate hearings were (68)
The plan from the outset was to put in place the Reagan economic pro
[简答题] Political and demographic changes within Europe, as well as the United States, also ensure that the transatlantic alliance will lose prominence. In Europe, the E.U. project still consumes the attention of many, but for others, especially those in southern Europe facing unsustainable fiscal shortfalls, domestic economic turmoil takes precedence. No doubt, Europe’s security challenges are geographically, politically and psychologically less immediate to the population than its economic ones. Mounting financial problems and the imperative to cut deficits are sure to limit what Europeans can do militarily beyond their continent. It is true that the era in which Europe and transatlantic relations dominated U.S. foreign policy is over.
[填空题]Not only humans but also wildlife faces the crisis of water shortage.
[多项选择]A Crisis of Confidence for Masters of the Universe
Meltdown. Collapse. Depression. Panic, The words would seem to apply equally to the global financial crisis and the effect of that crisis on the human psyche (精神). Of course, it is too soon to judge the tree psychiatric(精神上的) consequences of the economic breakdown; it will be some time before epidemiologists(流行病专家) can tell us for certain whether depression and suicide are on the rise. But there’s no question that the crisis is leaving its mark on individuals, especially men.
One patient, a fund analyst, came to me recently in a state of great anxiety. "It’s bad, but it might get a lot worse," I recall him saying. The anxiety was expected and appropriate: he had lost a great deal of his (and others’) assets, and like the rest of us he had no idea where the bottom was. I would have been worried if he hadn’t been anxious. Over the course of several weeks, with the help of some anti-anxiety medication, his panic subsided


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