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发布时间:2023-12-22 18:05:06

[填空题]Most newspapers, while devoting the major part of its space to recent events, usually manage to find room on the inside pages for articles on some interesting topics. A. while devoting B. its C. room D. on

更多"Most newspapers, while devoting the"的相关试题:

We know that, for the most part, the bigger a man’s muscles are, the stronger he is. Can it be considered, then, that the larger the brain a man has, the cleverer he is The answer is no.
There are only two animals that have larger brains than man, the whale and the elephant. Yet, according to his size, man’s brain is larger. Man’s brain usually weighs about three pounds or a little more, and this is about one-fortieth of the weight of his whole body. The whale’s body, on the other hand, is a thousand times heavier than its brain, while the elephant’s body is about five hundred times as heavy.
But a man who has a large brain is not necessarily cleverer than one whose brain is smaller. We know that geniuses have existed who have had very large brains, but there have been others whose brains were rather small.
We do not understand w
A. It is known to all that
B. Of course
C. We can not think that
D. Not
[单项选择] Choosing a College Major The most important piece of advice in this article follows this sentence, so, are you ready for it The advice: Don’’t panic. I know it’’s easier said than done, but I can’’t tell you how many students I have advised since the time that I have been a professor that seem in a state of panic if they are uncertain of their major, let alone a career. Choosing a major, thinking about a career, getting an education — these are the things college is all about. Yes, there are some students who arrive on campus and know exactly their major and career ambitions, but the majority of students do not, thus there is no need to rush into a decision about your major as soon as you step on campus. And guess what A majority of students in all colleges and universities change their major at least once in their college careers; and many change their major several times over the course of their college career. This article is all a
A. Y
B. N

A major reason most experts today support concepts such as a youth services bureau is that. traditional correctional practices fail to rehabilitate many delinquent youth. It has been estimated that as many as 70 percent of all youth who have been institutionalized are involved in new offenses following their release. Contemporary correctional institutions are usually isolated—geographically and socially--from the communities in which most of their inmates live. In addition, rehabilitative programs in the typical training school and reformatory focus on the individual delinquent rather than the environmental conditions which foster delinquency.
Finally, many institutions do not play an advocacy role on behalf of those committed to their care. They fail to do anything constructive about the hack-home conditions-family, school, work--faced by the youthful inmates. As a result, too often institutionalization serves as a barrier to the successful return of former inmates
A. narrative
B. satirical
C. expository
D. argumentative

[填空题]Air transportation has become a major part of the world’s transportation system.
[填空题]______ is the major part of enculturation.


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