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发布时间:2024-07-28 02:31:37


Parents are required by law to see that their children receive full-time education, at school or elsewhere, between the ages of 5 and 16 in England, Scotland and Wales and 4 and 16 in Northern Ireland. About 93 percent of pupils receive free education from public funds, while the others attend independent schools financed by fees paid by parents.
Many, aged 3-4 years, children attend nursery schools and classes (or, in England, reception classes in primary schools). Pre-school education may also be provided in some private day nurseries and pre-school playgroups (which are largely organized by parents).
The Government has stated its commitment to a major expansion of pre-school education and wants all children to begin school with a basic foundation in literacy and numeracy. From September 1998 it is providing free nursery education in England and Wales for all 4 year olds whose parents want it, and is committed to staged targets for provision for 3 year olds thereafter

更多"Parents are required by law to see "的相关试题:

[填空题]In the United States, it is required that all children attend school, public or private, for twelve years. There are {{U}} (36) {{/U}} to this rule, of course, as in the case of certain religious or {{U}} (37) {{/U}} groups where education is only required until the eighth grade. And there are some groups of people that see no purpose to an education {{U}} (38) {{/U}} and ignore this requirement altogether. But for most, and reasonably so, a twelve-year education is the minimum. In view of the {{U}} (39) {{/U}} of our society and the changes taking place, one would think that a person would need at least twelve years education in order to cope. However, in recent years, a great many people have begun to question the purpose of having {{U}} (40) {{/U}} education for twelve years. One big reason the question is being raised is the fact that an alarming number of young people who graduate from the school systems are unable to handle simple, everyday tasks, such as reading a newsp
[单项选择]Most parents prize the diversity within their children’s public schools. They know that learning to cooperate and excel in a diverse, real-world setting is a key to success in the 2lst-century workplace and marketplace.
But how "diverse" and "real-world" is a school that does not have any minority teachers The bad news today is that some 40 percent of America’s public schools have no teachers of color. The good news is that we have an opportunity to recruit and encourage more Americans of color to enter the teaching profession. And our success in doing so can have a powerfully positive impact on student achievement.
Obviously, a teacher’s effectiveness depends, first and foremost, on his or her skills and high expectations, not on the teacher’s color. Yet we also know that children of color--40 percent of the student population and rising- benefit in important ways by having some teachers who look like them, who share similar cultural experiences, and who serve as role models
A. restricted
B. boring
C. pleasant
D. unforgettable


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