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发布时间:2024-02-02 23:18:57

[单项选择]Passage Two
The most interesting architectural phenomenon of the 1970’s was the enthusiasm for refurbishing older buildings. Obviously, this was not an entirely new phenomenon. What is new is the wholesale interest in reusing the past, in recycling, in adaptive re- habilitation. A few trial efforts, such as Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco, proved their financial viability in the 1960’s, but it was in the 1970’s, with strong government support through tax incentives and rapid depreciation, as well as growing interest in ecology issues, that recycling became a major factor on the urban scene.
One of the most comprehensive ventures was the restoration and transformation of Boston’s eighteenth century Faneuil Hall and the Quincy Market, designed in 1824. This section had fallen on hard times, but beginning with the construction of a new cit
A. restaurants, offices and stores
B. sports and recreational facilities
C. Boston’s new city hall
D. a marvelous setting for commerce

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[单项选择]Passage Two
The most interesting architectural phenomenon of the 1970’s was the enthusiasm for refurbishing older buildings. Obviously, this was not an entirely new phenomenon. What is new is the wholesale interest in reusing the past, in recycling, in adaptive re- habilitation. A few trial efforts, such as Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco, proved their financial viability in the 1960’s, but it was in the 1970’s, with strong government support through tax incentives and rapid depreciation, as well as growing interest in ecology issues, that recycling became a major factor on the urban scene.
One of the most comprehensive ventures was the restoration and transformation of Boston’s eighteenth century Faneuil Hall and the Quincy Market, designed in 1824. This section had fallen on hard times, but beginning with the construction of a new cit
A. The architectural phenomenon of the 1970’s.
B. Tile architectural style from 1824 to 1970’s.
C. In the 1970’s, recycling old buildings became famous.
D. During the 1970’s, old buildings in many cities were recycled for modern use.
[单项选择]Passage Two
Most new words are made up from other earlier words; language-making is a conservative process, wasting little. When new words unfold out of old ones, the original meaning usually hangs around like an unrecognizable scent, a sort of secret.
There are two immense words from Indo-European, gene and bheu, each a virtual anthill in itself, from which we have constructed the notion Of everything. At the beginning or as far back as they are traceable, they meant something like being. Gene signified beginning, giving birth, while bheu indicated existence and growth. Gene turned itself successively into kund jaz (Germanic) and gecynd (Old English), meaning kin or kind. Kind was at first a family connection, later an elevated social rank, and finally came to rest meaning kindly or gentle. Meanwhile, a branch of gene became the Latin gens
A. how to coin new words
B. where to trace the origin of language
C. the evolution of words
D. language and nature
[单项选择]Passage Two
The two claws of the mature American lobster are decidedly different from each other. The crusher claw is short and stout; the cutter claw is long and slender. Such bilateral asymmetry, in which the right side of the body is, in all other respects, a mirror image of the left side, is not unlike handedness in humans. But where the majority of humans are right-handed, in lobsters the crusher claw appears with equal probability on either the right side or left side of the body.
Bilateral asymmetry of the claws comes about gradually. In the juvenile fourth and fifth stages of development, the paired claws are symmetrical and cutterlike. Asymmetry begins to appear in the juvenile sixth stage of development, and the paired claws further diverge toward well-defined cutter and crusher claws during succeeding stages. An intriguing aspect
A. drawing an analogy between asymmetry in lobsters and handed in humans.
B. developing a method for predicating whether crusher claws in lobster will appear on the left or right side
C. explaining differences between lobsters’ crusher claws and cutter claws
D. discussing a possible explanation for the way bilateral asymmetry is determined in lobsters
[单项选择]Passage Two
If two scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory are correct, People will still be driving gasoline-powered cars 50 years from now, giving out heat-trapping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere--and yet that carbon dioxide will not contribute to global warming. The scientists, F. Jeffrey Martin and William L. Kubic Jr., are proposing a concept, which they have patriotically named Green Freedom for removing carbon dioxide from the air and turning it back into gasoline.
The idea is simple. Air would be blown over a liquid solution which would absorb the carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide would then be extracted and subjected to chemical reactions that would turn it into fuel. Although they have not yet built a fuel factory, or even a small prototype, the scientists say it is all based on existing technology. "Everything in the co
A. It is given a patriotic name.
B. No law of physics is violated.
C. It is based on existing technology.
D. Carbon dioxide can be converted into fuel.
[单项选择]Passage Two
Unfortunately most of the science fiction films of the 1970s were not much influenced by 2001 A Space Odyssey. Skillfully directed by Stanley Kubrick, 2001. which appeared in 1968, set new standards for science fiction films. During the next decade, every one of the dozens of science fiction movies released was compared to 2001 , and all but a few were found sadly lacking.
Admittedly, Kubrick had one of the largest budgets ever for a film of this kind, but, in my opinion, much of the movie’s power and appeal was achieved through relatively inexpensive means. For example, the musical score, which was adapted in large part from well-known classical compositions, was reinforced by the use of almost kaleidoscopic visual effects, especially during the space travel sequences. Spectacular camera work was edited to correspond precisely
A. He objects to their camera work.
B. He does not like their music.
C. He believes that their stories are too much alike.
D. He criticizes their special effects.


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