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发布时间:2023-11-25 18:45:14

[填空题]We’ll meet next Thursday ()this matter in detail.

更多"We’ll meet next Thursday ()this mat"的相关试题:

[简答题]Next monday we’ll have a day long discussion at the conference room in this hotel. Lunch and supper will be served in the cafeteria. We’ n exchange our respective evaluations i feasible reports and some preliminary plans. If there’ s something we can agree upon, we can compile memos for further discussion.
[单项选择]We'll visit Europe next year () we have enough money.
A. lest
B. until
C. unless
D. provided
[单项选择]In the next century we’ll be able to alter our DNA radically, encoding our visions and vanities while concocting new life-forms. When Dr. Frankenstein made his monster, he wrestled with the moral issue of whether he should allow it to reproduce, "Had I the right, for my own benefit, to inflict the curse upon everlasting generations" Will such questions require us to develop new moral philosophies
Probably not. Instead, we’ll reach again for a time-tested moral concept, one sometimes called the Golden Rule and which Kant, the millennium’s most prudent moralist, conjured up into a categorical imperative: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you; treat each person as an individual rather than as a means to some end.
Under this moral precept we should recoil at human cloning, because it inevitably entails using humans as means to other humans’ ends and valuing them as copies of others we loved or as collections of body parts, not as individuals in their own right. We sho
A. to give an episode of the DNA technological breakthroughs.
B. to highlight the inevitability of a means to some evil ends.
C. to show how he created a new form of life a thousand years ago.
D. to introduce the topic of moral philosophies concerning biotechnology.
[单项选择]—We're sure of winning the match.
—(). We'll meet our match.
A. Don't be so sure
B. So are we
C. It's out of question
D. I think so
[单项选择]We'll meet again tomorrow and ______ a decision then.
A. do
B. find
C. decide
D. make
[填空题] When two hands meet, we pass on something of ourselves. After 【26】 to Mark Twain, Helen — who was both deaf and blind — commented, "I can feel the twinkle of his eye 【27】 his handshake. " In some indefinable way, Twain had 【28】 his charm to Keller. And that’’ s probably been true of the handshake all the 【29】 back to its earliest days, —【30】 no one can tell its actual 【31】. A common explanation is that 【32】 early man encountered a stranger, he 【33】 out his hand to show he had no weapon. From this, supposedly, 【34】 the handshake. Not so, says historian Brian Burke. He believes, the handshake 【35】 "putting your blood behind your breath. " He explains that ancient people 【36】 the spoken word alone, and they used the handclasp to signify that their 【37】 was backed up by the 【38】 of their heart — i. e. , their blood. 【39】, the handshake suggested trust. That 【40】 of trust has survived to this day. People in business often 【41】 agreements simply by declaring, "Let’’s shake
A. A.symbol


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