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发布时间:2023-10-11 00:07:08


To all the world, nothing seems more completely American than the cowboy. Yet the truth is that the cowboy’s horse, clothes, and trade are all part of the rich heritage contributed by Mexico to her northern neighbor.
Even the word cowboy is a translation of the Mexican term vaquero. The word cowboy was unknown to the American settlers who first headed west to texas in the 1820’s. These people thought of themselves as farmers. In fact, the only cattle most of them brought were a cow or two for milk and a yoke of oxen to draw their plows. It was their Mexican neighbors—the Tejanos whose herds had roamed the open ranges since the early 1700’s—who introduced them to cattle raising, taunght them to use the lariat, the branding iron, and the homed saddle, and showed them how to break the wild mustangs and round up the free-ranging longhorns. So well did the new Texans take to Tejano ways that soon you spoke fighin’ words if you referred to th

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To all the world, nothing seems more completely American than the cowboy. Yet the truth is that the cowboy’s horse, clothes, and trade are all part of the rich heritage contributed by Mexico to her northern neighbor.
Even the word cowboy is a translation of the Mexican term vaquero. The word cowboy was unknown to the American settlers who first headed west to texas in the 1820’s. These people thought of themselves as farmers. In fact, the only cattle most of them brought were a cow or two for milk and a yoke of oxen to draw their plows. It was their Mexican neighbors—the Tejanos whose herds had roamed the open ranges since the early 1700’s—who introduced them to cattle raising, taunght them to use the lariat, the branding iron, and the homed saddle, and showed them how to break the wild mustangs and round up the free-ranging longhorns. So well did the new Texans take to Tejano ways that soon you spoke fighin’ words if you referred to th

[单项选择]The world seems increasingly divided into those who favor genetically modified (GM) foods and those who fear them. Advocates assert that growing genetically altered crops can be kinder to the environment and that eating foods from those plants is perfectly safe. And, they say, genetic engineering—which can induce plants to grow in poor soils or to produce more nutritious foods—will soon become an essential tool for helping to feed the world’s burgeoning population. Skeptics contend that GM crops could pose unique risks to the environment and to health—risks too troubling to accept placidly. Taking that view, many European countries are restricting the planting and importation of GM agricultural products. Much of the debate hinges on perceptions of safety. But what exactly does recent scientific research say about the hazards
Advocates of GM, or transgenic, crops say the plants will benefit the environment by requiring fewer toxic pesticides than conventional crops. But critics fea
A. Whether it is environmental-friendly.
B. Whether it is healthy to people.
C. Whether it will cause influences on surrounding lives.
D. Whether it is saf
The world seems to be going diet crazy, and yet our nation’s obesity rate has shot up year after year. And, it’s not only the over 20 population that has to worry about their weight anymore. Children from kindergarten to twelfth grade are also experiencing the problems of an overweight lifestyle.
According to the website cosmiverse.com, 11% of adolescents are categorized as being over-weight, and another 16% are in danger of becoming overweight. This is a 60% jump from the 1980’s.
Some of the blame is being put on schools wanting to fit more academic classes into the children’s schedule rather than waste time on physical education. This new take on education has left us with physical activity at an all-time national low, resulting in obesity and poor physical conditioning at an all-time national high. The schools have tried a few solutions; t
A. (A) Extremely heavy.
B. (B) Quite plump.
C. (C) Unhealthily fat.
D. (D) Rather stout.
[单项选择]The world seems to be going diet crazy, and yet our nation’s obesity rate has shot up year after year. And, it’s not only the over 20 population that has to worry about their weight anymore. Children from kindergarten to twelfth grade are also experiencing the problems of an overweight lifestyle.
According to the website cosmiverse.com, 11% of adolescents are categorized as being over-weight, and another 16% are in danger of becoming overweight. This is a 60% jump from the 1980’s.
Some of the blame is being put on schools wanting to fit more academic classes into the children’s schedule rather than waste time on physical education. This new take on education has left us with physical activity at an all-time national low, resulting in obesity and poor physical conditioning at an all-time national high. The schools have tried a few solutions; the most recent in the news has been taking soda out of schools and increasing the required time children must be active during schoo
A. The genes of the students.
B. The poor quality of school cafeteria food.
C. Inactiveness due to playing computer games.
D. The negative example of their parents.


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