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发布时间:2023-11-15 01:05:21

[填空题]I must admit my whole heart is _____ being a medical biologist.

更多"I must admit my whole heart is ____"的相关试题:

[填空题]I must admit my whole heart is _____ being a medical biologist.
[填空题]The external heart massage must be practiced in advance to be sure of using it properly and safely.

[单项选择]The child with rheumatic fever must have his heart rate measured while awake and while sleeping. Why are two readings necessary
A. To obtain a heart rate that isn’t affected by medication.
B. To eliminate interference from the jerky movements of chorea.
C. To ensure that the child can’t consciously raise or lower the heart rate.
D. To compensate for the effects of activity on the heart rat
[单项选择]I feel I must qualify my earlier remarks in case they have been misunderstood.
A. 我觉得我得把话说得具体些,以免他们不理解。
B. 我感到我必须言行一致,以免他们产生误解。
C. 我感到我必须符合我原先的讲话内容,以免他们理解错了。
D. 我觉得我得把我说过的话改得具体些,以免产生误解。
[单项选择]In addition to being physically sick, my dad was in the midst of a nervous (), though none of us knew to call it that at the time.
A. breakup
B. breakdown
C. breakthrough
D. breakout
[简答题]At times my heart cries out with longing to see all these things. If I can get so much pleasure from mere touch, how much more beauty must be revealed by sight. Yet, those who have eyes apparently see little, the panorama of color and action which fills the world is taken for granted. It is human, perhaps, to appreciate little that which we have and to long for that which we have not, but it is a great pity that in the world of light the gift of sight is used only as a mere conveniences rather than as a means of adding fullness to life.
If I were the president of a university I should establish a compulsory course in "How to Use Your Eyes". The professor would try to show his pupils how they could add joy to their lives by really seeing what passes unnoticed before them. He would try to awake their dormant and sluggish faculties.

[单项选择]I bite my hairs. I must break ().
A. the habit to me.
B. the habit with myself.
C. myself of the habit
D. of the habit myself
[单项选择]Passage Four
After retirement from medical research, my wife and I built our home in a gated community surrounded by yacht clubs and golf courses on Hilton Head Island. But when I left for the other side of the island, I was traveling on unpaved roads lined with leaky cottages. The "lifestyle" of many of the native islanders stood in shocking contrast to my comfortable existence
By talking to the local folks, I discovered that the vast majority of the maids, gardeners, waitresses and construction workers who make this island work had little or no access to medical care. It seemed outrageous to me. I wondered why someone didn’t do something about that. Then my father’s words, which he had asked his children daily when they were young, rang in my head again: "What did you do for someone today"
Even though my father had died several years
A. The contrast between the rich and the poor on an island.
B. The story of a man who likes to give others advice.
C. The life and work of a great father.
D. The inspiration of a father’s words.
[单项选择]There is something wrong with my TV set. I must have it ( ).
A. check
B. checking
C. to check
D. checked


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