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发布时间:2024-07-31 02:16:21

[单项选择]Text 5   Avisit to the National Gallery(国家美术馆)brings you to one ofthe most beautiful buildings in the country.Opened in 1988,this is now the permanent(永久的)home of thenational art collection.   *Gallery Hours   Summer(mid.May--September):Daily,Monday to Sunday lo a.m.--6 P.m.;Thursdayuntil 8 P.m.   Winter(October--mid.May):Wednesday to Sunday lo a.m.m5 P.m.;Thursday until 8 P.m.   Closed Mondays,Tuesdays,and holidays.   *Tickets   Freefor the permanent collection.Tickets for some specialexhibitions.   *PublicTours   Free daily tours of the permanent collection at 11 a.m.and 2 P.m.   Grouptours can be booked--three weeks notice required.Tel:990—0570   *TheBookstore   Opensand closes with Gallery.Tel:990—0962   *EducationCenter   Organizes talks,tours,workshops and other special public and school programs.Tel:993—8876   *Library   Open to the public for purposes of research and study.Tel:998—7620If your school is going to organize some activities in the Gallery, whic
A. 998-7620
B. 993- 8876
C. 990- 0962
D. 990- 0570

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[单项选择]Text 5   Avisit to the National Gallery(国家美术馆)brings you to one ofthe most beautiful buildings in the country.Opened in 1988,this is now the permanent(永久的)home of thenational art collection.   *Gallery Hours   Summer(mid.May--September):Daily,Monday to Sunday lo a.m.--6 P.m.;Thursdayuntil 8 P.m.   Winter(October--mid.May):Wednesday to Sunday lo a.m.m5 P.m.;Thursday until 8 P.m.   Closed Mondays,Tuesdays,and holidays.   *Tickets   Freefor the permanent collection.Tickets for some specialexhibitions.   *PublicTours   Free daily tours of the permanent collection at 11 a.m.and 2 P.m.   Grouptours can be booked--three weeks notice required.Tel:990—0570   *TheBookstore   Opensand closes with Gallery.Tel:990—0962   *EducationCenter   Organizes talks,tours,workshops and other special public and school programs.Tel:993—8876   *Library   Open to the public for purposes of research and study.Tel:998—7620If you are free only after 6 P.m.,0n what day can you go and visit the G
A. Monday
B. Wednesday
C. Thursday
D. Sunday
[单项选择]中国美术馆和台湾长流美术馆共同举办的“江山万里————张大千艺术展”今日与观众见面。走进中国美术馆五层展厅,迎面的青绿山水画《谷口人家》前站满了凝神观看的人。这青绿泼彩渲染的画面,令人叹为观止。在展厅右侧,一副《江山万里图》静静地面对着来来往往的人流。“ __________ ”开阔的画面及其意境,向人们展示着笔墨点染间的艺术动力,也模仿在诉说着画家眷恋故土的情怀。下列选项中的“人家”与语段中加点词“人家”意义相同的一项是( )
A. 人家在何许?云外一声鸡
B. 小女子已许配了人家
C. 你走了,教人家怎么办呢
D. 诗书门第,勤俭人家
[单项选择]华盛顿国家美术馆东馆建筑属于( )。
A. 几何形构图
B. 具体的象征
C. 抽象的象征
D. 隐喻主义
对这段文字的主旨概括最准确的是( )。
A. 说明梵·高具有璀灿的艺术成就
B. 探讨梵·高美术馆风格朴素的缘由
C. 点评三位建筑师独特的设计风格
D. 分析梵·高美术馆统一风格形成的背景
A. 分隔性
B. 连续性
C. 观演性
D. 综合性
Gallery News

New picture
The Gallery (美术馆) now has a fine still life by the Dutch 18th century painter Jan van Os. This large picture (89.1cm × 71cm) of flowers and fruit is painted in light bright colours on wood. It is one of the first pictures of this type in the Gallery. The picture is signed and dated 1777 and 1778. It is not unusual for a picture like this to be dated in two years : the artist waited for par ticular flowers to come out in their different seasons in order to paint them. This picture was given to the Gallery by Miss Violet Churchman in memory of her sister Ida Nancy. It is now on show in Room 25.
Special exhibition
The exhibition ’Painting in Spain During the Late 18th Century’ opened in the Sunley Room on 15 March. Recently the Gallery has bought works by three Spanish painters of this period -- Paret, Melendez and Francisco Bayeu, who are
A. A painting of unmoving objects.
B. An unusual picture of a country scene.
C. A painting done in bright colours.
D. A large picture shown in a public place.
A. 多线式
B. 簇团式
C. 串联式
D. 并联式
A. 该美术馆获得该画作原件的所有权
B. 该美术馆获得该画作的著作权
C. 该美术馆获得该画作原件的展览权
D. 何某对该画作原件仍享有展览权
[单项选择]“盛世和光——敦煌艺术大发展”正在北京中国美术馆展出,这是迄今为止敦煌艺术在京城最大规模的( ),一批又一批的参观者闻讯而来。
A. 活动
B. 表演
C. 亮相
D. 工程

Downing Street is the most exclusive street in Britain, not because it only has three houses along its short{{U}} (26) {{/U}}, nor particularly because of its location between Whitehall and St. James’s Park, but because its only residents are{{U}} (27) {{/U}}from the elected Government.
Numbers 10 and 11 Downing Street arc the{{U}} (28) {{/U}}London residences of the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the Exchequer—the First and Second Lords of the Treasury. Numbers 9 and 12 are the offices of their key{{U}} (29) {{/U}}and colleagues in Government.
The location has been{{U}} (30) {{/U}}for centuries, of course, as even before modern government the{{U}} (31) {{/U}}was close to Westminster Abbey and later Whitehall Palace.
But it was Sir George Downing who made the most of its{{U}} (32) {{/U}}and built the street of houses that bears his name.
In his later{{U}} (33) {{/U}}as a property speculator and de


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