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发布时间:2024-07-28 20:18:16

[填空题]Clerk: Would you sign the register please, Sir Mr. Woods: Sure. ______, does my room have a private bath Clerk: Certainly. Every room in this hotel has a private bath.

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M: Would you please give Mr. Smith a message
W: Sorry. Mr. Smith is having a holiday in Chicago.

hat can we learn from the conversation ()
A. The woman is very busy.
B. Mr. Smith is having a meeting in the office.
C. Mr. Smith will be back soon.
D. The woman can’t take the massage to Mr. Smith.

M: Would you please give Mr. Jackson a message
W: Sorry. Mr. Jackson is having a holiday in Chicago.

What can we learn from the conversation()
A. The woman is busy working.
B. The woman can’t take the messages.
C. Mr. Jackson is in his office.
D. Mr. Jackson will be back soon.

Dear Sir:
How would you like to increase the efficiency of your office staff by 10% this summer
Tests in over 80 business offices using Glux air conditioners have proved that staff efficiency in these offices increased by 10% after the Glux was installed. As the increased staff efficiency means greater profits, you will therefore get back your cost within a limited period of time.
The price of the air conditioner is very competitive, 5% lower than that of similar products in the market. If you would like to spread the cost, you have two years to pay up. In addition, improvements in the new model will also make your operating costs low.
Won't you call and ask us to send you our technical personnel to identify your specific needs and do the installation Each day's delay costs you money.
Yours Faithfully,
Tony Smith
Chief seller

What is the purpose of the letter?
To sale ().


W: Would you like this brown shirt, sir
M: Oh, no the colour doesn’t suit me. I prefer the green one.

What colour does the man like()
A. Brown.
B. Yellow.
C. Green.
D. Red.

M: I would like to see Mr. Smith, please.
W: Mr. Smith is not here anymore. Mrs. Brown is the manager now.

What do we learn from this conversation()
A. Mr. Smith is the new manager.
B. The manager is a man.
C. The former manager has left.
D. The manager is not here.

W: What would you like to have, Sir
M: Well, I’d like to have some apple juice and a chicken sandwich.

Where are the two speakers()
A. In a restaurant.
B. On a farm.
C. At the man’s home.
D. At a store.

W: What would you like to have, sir
M: Well, I’d like to have an apple juice and chicken sandwich.

Where are the two speakers ( )
A. In a restaurant.
B. On a farm.
C. At the man’s home.

Dear sir,
We would like to inform you that we act on a sole agency basis for a number of manufacturers.
We specialize in finished cotton goods for the Middle Eastern market. Our activities cover all types of household linen
Until now, we have been working with your textiles department and our collaboration has proved to be mutually beneficial. Please refer to them for any information regarding your company.
We are very interested in an exclusive arrangement with your factory for the promotion of your products in Bahrain.
We look forward to your early reply.
Yours faithfully,

What are you informed of
They act on a sole agency for()

W: Sir, what would you like to order
M: Let me look at the menu for a moment first.

Where does this conversation most probably take place ()
A. In a bookstore.
B. In a library.
C. In a supermarket.
D. In a restaurant.

W: Would you like a cup of coffee, sir
M: No, Madam. Orange juice, please. I’d like orange juice better.

Where did the conversation take place()
A. On a plane.
B. In a restaurant.
C. In a bus.
D. In a shop.


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