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发布时间:2024-01-06 02:15:01

[单项选择]Passage 2
Service as an ideal has spread out into many branches of American life. More and more the institution of a community are expected to anticipate (预见) the needs of the citizen, and to make possible a healthier, happier, richer life. Meanwhile service as a commercial activity has leaped ahead. Since 1870 the experienced labor force engaged in production of services has risen from 25% to 35%. Whether you want a daily diaper (尿布) service for the new infant, a carwash (many of them mechanized so as to be completed in ten or fifteen minutes ) or a clipping for your dog, you are sure to find it. The yellow pages in the back of every telephone booklist hundreds of such offerings.
While the supermarkets have been moving in the direction of self-service in exchange for lower prices, smaller enterprises have sprung up to supply home service t
A. make more money
B. cut down the price of goods sold
C. compete with grocers
D. make possible a healthier, happier and richer life

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[单项选择]Passage 2
Service as an ideal has spread out into many branches of American life. More and more the institution of a community are expected to anticipate (预见) the needs of the citizen, and to make possible a healthier, happier, richer life. Meanwhile service as a commercial activity has leaped ahead. Since 1870 the experienced labor force engaged in production of services has risen from 25% to 35%. Whether you want a daily diaper (尿布) service for the new infant, a carwash (many of them mechanized so as to be completed in ten or fifteen minutes ) or a clipping for your dog, you are sure to find it. The yellow pages in the back of every telephone booklist hundreds of such offerings.
While the supermarkets have been moving in the direction of self-service in exchange for lower prices, smaller enterprises have sprung up to supply home service t
A. Americans are the best served in the world
B. The production of services in America has risen from 25% to 35%
C. Supermarkets have moved in the right direction of self-service
D. Service as an ideal of American people has entered into many fields of lives of Americans
[单项选择]Passage Three
The computer has changed the way we work, team, communicate, and play; Virtually ewery kind of organization throughout the world conducts business with computers. Students, teachers, and research scientists use the computer as a learning tool. Millions of individuals and organizations communicate with one another over a network of computers called the Internet. Computer games entertain people of all ages.
Almost all computers are electronic digital computers. They are electronic in their use of electric current(电流) to carry information. They are digital in. that they process information as units of electric charge representing numbers. The word digital means having to do with numbers. To enable a computer to process information that is not numerical — such as words, pictures, or sounds — the computer or some other &vice must f
A. digital computers
B. the future of computer
C. computer science
D. computer and teachers.
[单项选择]Passage 4
Distance learning has moved far away from the traditional correspondence course, aimed at the individual student working alone. The global reach of the Internet makes it possible to unite geographically scattered students in a virtual classroom. Methods such as multimedia, video-conferencing and the Internet will increasingly allow students both to proceed at their own pace, and to interact with one another and their teachers.
Even without taking the technology to its limits, the idea of education as a lifelong process is catching on throughout the industrialized world. Already, working adults who pursue their studies part-time make up roughly half of students taking college courses in the United States.
However, there is debate in scholar circles about how far new technology should be used for teaching academic subjects in wh
A. it requires the individual student to work alone
B. it enables all the students to work at the same pace
C. it allows students to discuss with one another and their teachers
D. it enables geographically scattered students to study in the same physical classroom
Passage 1
Our generation has made such immense discoveries and achieved undreamed enrichments of the outside of life, that it has lost touch with the inside of life. It has forgotten the true riches and beauties of its spiritual inheritance: riches and beauties that go far beyond our modern chatter about values and ideals. The mind’s search for more breadth has obscured the heart’s craving for more depth. Once again man has become the dupe of his own cleverness. And because it is difficult to attend to more than a few things at a time, we leave out a great range of experiences which comes in by another route and tells us of another kind of life. Our interest rushes out to the farthest limits of the universe, but we seldom take a sounding of the ocean beneath our restless keels. We get, therefore, a queer feeling that we are leaving somethin
A. Man’s Need for Wisdom
B. The Inside of life
C. Heart vs. Mind
D. Universal Ideals
[单项选择]Passage2 Swapping postcards has become an interesting hobby for people who are curious about the big world in which they live .Swapping postcards can keep pen friends in touch .A postcard is a simple and beautiful way for someone to share his thoughts and memories . There are some great websites that can help one develop his interest in postcard swapping .For example,postcrossing.com,started in 2005 by a Portuguese citizen,is a free website that connects people who share a passion for swapping postcards.If you want to receive postcards from other members ,you should e-mail a postcard to the address sent by the website after registration(注册) .After the individual confirms that he has received the card, your name will be added to the list of people to receive postcards . Swapping postcards with people in other countries is also a great way to learn about the world;each postcard can be a window to another culture. It is like bringing the world to your mailbox. Fiona, a member of po
A. time-saving
B. labor-saving
C. worthwhile
D. humorous


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