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发布时间:2023-10-20 07:58:40

[简答题]People have traded and bartered 物物交换) for centuries. Whatever else the flea (跳蚤) market may appear to be, its purpose is the sale and exchange of goods. Whether they are knowledgeable collectors or just plain bargain hunters, people are drawn to the flea market by the enormous amount and variety of goods offered.(76) The possibility of finding something truly valuable before anybody else does make shopping at a flea market a treasure hunt. For many buyers, the process of bargaining at a flea market is as much fun as the bargain itself. (77) It’s not just the money they save that gives them a sense of accomplishment; it’s the satisfaction of playing an ancient game. Satisfaction also comes from the immediacy of a flea market exchange. After you negotiate your price, it is “cash and carry”: the dealer pocket your money, you go home with your purchase, and that’s that. You got what you wanted, and the dealer got what he or she wanted.(78) In today’s world of credit cards, the flea mark

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[简答题]People have traded and bartered 物物交换) for centuries. Whatever else the flea (跳蚤) market may appear to be, its purpose is the sale and exchange of goods. Whether they are knowledgeable collectors or just plain bargain hunters, people are drawn to the flea market by the enormous amount and variety of goods offered.(76) The possibility of finding something truly valuable before anybody else does make shopping at a flea market a treasure hunt. For many buyers, the process of bargaining at a flea market is as much fun as the bargain itself. (77) It’s not just the money they save that gives them a sense of accomplishment; it’s the satisfaction of playing an ancient game. Satisfaction also comes from the immediacy of a flea market exchange. After you negotiate your price, it is “cash and carry”: the dealer pocket your money, you go home with your purchase, and that’s that. You got what you wanted, and the dealer got what he or she wanted.(78) In today’s world of credit cards, the flea mark
[填空题]People can have meals there.

[简答题] Thigh, robot People who have suffered debilitating strokes often have to cope with impaired muscles that do not work properly. Even a simple act such as standing up from a chair and walking a few steps can become extremely difficult. Stroke victims often have to rely on wheelchairs, sticks, walking frames and other "orthotic" devices to move about. But a new generation of active orthotic devices, capable of augmenting or replacing lost muscle function, is in the works. These devices use an assortment of complex computer and mechanical technology, borrowed from the field of robotics, to help patients get around. They are being made possible by the falling prices and improving performance of sensors, computer control systems and battery technology. As well as benefiting elderly patients with permanent paralysis or muscle dysfunction, such devices could also help people in recovering from "arthroscopic" (literally, "looking within the joi
[填空题]Many people nowadays have muscular problems in the neck, the shoulders and the back
________________ (主要是由于工作中的压力和紧张造成的).

[单项选择]People who have held these positions of authority are much respected and it will be of benefit to them later in their career.
A. 担任这权威的人受人尊重,而且以后对他们的事业也很有益。
B. 担任这权威职务的人十分地受人尊重,而且日后对他们的事业也很有益处。
C. 世人尊重担任这职务的人,而且以后有益于他们的事业。
D. 担任这权威职务的人很受人尊重,而且对他们的事业也很有益


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