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发布时间:2023-10-05 16:20:54

[单项选择]Questions 11-12Q11 :Ces statistiques montrent qu’en moyenne
A. les hommes se lavent aussi souvent que les femmes
B. certains hommes se lavent plus souvent que les femmes du même age
C. plus les hommes et les femmes vieillissent,moins ils se lavent
D. les hommes préfèrent les bains aux douches

更多"Questions 11-12Q11 :Ces statistique"的相关试题:

[填空题] Je vous rapporte ces paroles (4) que je les ai entendues.
[简答题]Nos ouvriers vont construire une route reliant ces deux villes.
[简答题]Nous avons eu cet appartement de trois pièces pour 200 000 euros.
[填空题] qu’il veuille ( )
[填空题]qu’il fasse
[简答题]Ces étudiants ont tous participé comme volontaires aux Jeux Olympiques 2008 qui avaient lieu à Pékin.

In modern society, communication with others is quite necessary, but some people pay no attention to the techniques in coping with personal relations. And the following suggestions will help them do better:
(1) Honesty is the best policy.
(2) Take an optimistic attitude to life.
(3) Being broad-minded is essential.
In your essay, you should use the three pieces of information mentioned above.
You should write 160 - 200 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

A. 400kN
B. 440kN
C. 450kN
D. 470kN
·Read the following article about merge and the questions on the opposite page.
·For each question 15-20, mark one letter (A, B, C or D ) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.
A school of behavioral economists has long argued that when it comes to money, people are incapable of acting in their own best interest -- that decisions result from impulse and overconfidence as much as from reason. Smart folks, in other words, are just as likely to soon part with their money as all those fools.
The truly bad news is that smart companies are just as prone to make terrible decisions for the same reason. Take one of the biggest business decisions of all— merger. Research consistently shows that most mergers fail in every sense of the word, from falling stock prices to lower profitability after the merger. Yet, even with suffering capital markets
A. People are likely to make decisions reasonably.
B. Behavioral economists are likely to act with overconfidence.
C. Clever people are capable to earn a great fortune.
D. Intelligent people tend to behave the same with the foolish one.
·Read the article below about exporting and the questions on the opposite page.
·For each question 13-18, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet, for the answer you choose.
Many firms fail because when they begin exporting they have not researched the target markets or developed an international marketing plan. To be successful, a firm must clearly define goals, objectives and potential problems. Secondly, it must develop a definitive plan to accomplish its objective, regardless of the problems involved. Unless the firm is fortunate enough to possess a staff with considerable expertise, it may not be able to take this crucial first step without qualified outside guidance.
Often top management is not committed enough to overc
A. initial difficulties can be easily avoided.
B. the costs can be recovered quite quickly.
C. management will become more committed.
D. the exporter will be successful in the long term.
[单项选择]Passage 2
A great horned owl hoots across the quiet water-and then glides through the stand of bald cypress along the eastern side of the swamp. Whip-poor-wills call; bullfrogs croak; mosquitoes hum. Darkness creeps across the swamp. (71) Offering a different set of treats every season, the refuge attracts a wide variety of visitors during the hunting season, during the fishing season, and during the bird-watching season. (72) Canada geese far outnumber other waterfowl, but snow geese, blue geese, and occasionally white-fronted geese winter there, too. Nearly every variety of duck, diver and puddle, reside in the quiet, smaller sloughs. As a result, the swamp attracts hunters in ’early winter, goose hunters to the pits and duck hunters to the blinds. The hunters’ closely regulated success is the result of hundreds of acres of corn left standing by Pose County farmers, who rent the rich bottom land between the lake and the river
[简答题]Are you interested in Hutong Can you describe a quadrangle briefly and tell us the significance of Beijing’s Hutong
[简答题]Person What do you think is the most important quality that a good teacher should have
[简答题]Interrogations______correspondent ces couleurs de ceintures
A. A.Quels joueurs
B.A quoi
C. A qui
D.De qui

[简答题]Personne n’a les moyens d’acheter ces appartements de luxe à moins qu’on ne réduise les prix dans des proportions importantes.
[简答题]On doit achever la réparation de ces chaises avant la rentrée.


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