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发布时间:2023-10-12 01:54:35

[判断题]States should respect international law even if some people are skeptical about its power to be enacted.

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States should respect international law even if some people are skeptical about its power to be enacted.
[填空题]The United States smashed Arab nationalism so as to______.

[单项选择]According to United States criminal law, insanity may relieve a person from the usual legal consequences____.
A. what his or her acts have
B. of his or her acts are
C. of his or her acts
D. what of his or her acts
[简答题]We should not rely so heavily on oil, coal and uranium. They are overused. Coal and oil are irreplaceable. Uranium is also irreplaceable. (long sentence)
[单项选择]If you want ( ), you should not speak so quickly.
A. to be understood
B. to understand it
C. understanding
D. to understand

(11)During the summer you should be even more careful than usual of the foods you prepare. Foods spoil faster in hot weather than in cold weather. (12) When you are shopping, purchase frozen and refrigerated foods last. Don’t make long stops on the way home, because frozen foods could be soft or warm. Using insulated bags helps keep food cold until you can get home. (13)Milk and milk products should be refrigerated immediately. (14)When camping or picnicking, or at any time when refrigeration isn’t available, use special dry food. Don’t leave foods in a hot car or beach bag. Picnic favorites like meat, chicken, and egg salad should be kept in a cooler. Above all, (15)if a food doesn’t seem to be normal in smell or appearance, throw it away immediately. Don’t taste it.

When should you be even more careful than usual of the foods
During the( ).

[填空题] The first copyright law in the United States was passed by Congress in1790. .In1976 Congress enacted the latest copyright law, __(26) __ the technological developments that had occurred since the passage of the Copyright Act of 1909. For example,in 1909,anyone who wanted to make a single copy of a __(27) __ work for personal use had to do so by hand.The very process__(28) __ a limitation on the quantity of materials copied. Today, a photocopier can do the work in seconds; the limitation has diasppeared. The 1909 law did not provide full protection for films and suond recording,nor did it__(29) __ the need to protect radio and television. As a result,__(30) __ of the law and abuese of the intent of the law have lessened the__(31) __ rewards of authors,artises,and producers.The 1976 Copyright Act has not prevented these abuses fully, but it has clarified the legal rights of the injured parties and given them an__(32) __ for remedy. since 1976 the Act has been__(33) __ to

When should you be even more careful than usual of the foods During the ______________________.


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