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发布时间:2024-01-06 23:59:58

[简答题]介绍midden you need to get a permit Immigration travel

更多"介绍midden you need to get a permit "的相关试题:

[填空题]Did you get the (permit) ______ from the authorities to run the business
[填空题]Did you get the (permit) ()from the authorities to run the business
[单项选择]A: I need to get this done by noon. Can you give me a hand   B: ____________
A. I can give you both hands
B. I’ll watch your back.
C. I’m all yours
D. The pleasure is mine.
[单项选择]You want to get healthy. You know you need to exercise more. But you are not ready to do intense physical activities. Don’t worry! The best thing for most of us may be to just go for n walk.
Yes, walk. At a reasonably vigorous clip (five to six kilometers per hour) for half an hour or so, maybe five or six times a week. You may not feel the benefits all at once, but the evidence suggests that over the long term, a regular walking routine can do you good.
Walking, in fact, may be the perfect exercise. For starters, it’s one of the safest things you can do with your body. It’s much easier on the knees than running and doesn’t trigger side effects.
Regular physical activity is probably as close to a magic bullet as we will come in modem medicine, If everyone were to walk briskly for 30 minutes every day, we could cut the incidence of many chronic diseases by 30 to 40 per cent.
Walking is also a great way to lose body fat, so even if you don’t 10se any weight, your body
A. Going to the gym regularly.
B. Intense physical activities.
C. Running over a long term.
D. A regular walking routine.
Why Our Children Need to Get Outside and Engage with Nature

In an age of cable TV, Nintendos (任天堂游戏机), Facebook and YouTube, is it actually important to be able to tell the species of one flower from another Well, it obviously can’t do any harm to know a bit about the natural world beyond the screen and the front door. And if, as a result of that, you develop a love for nature, you may care something for its survival, which is probably no bad thing.
But a growing body of evidence is starting to show that it’s not so much what children know about nature that’s important, as what happens to them when they are in nature (and not just in it, but in it by themselves, without grownups ). Respectable scientists—doctors, mental health experts, educationalists, sociologists—are beginning to suggest that when kids stop going out into the natural world to play, it can affect not just their development as individuals, but society as a whole.

A. Improved cooperation, flexibility and self-awareness.
B. Boosted problem-solving skills, focus and self-discipline.
C. Children becoming smarter, healthier and more adaptable.
D. Reduced aggression and increased happiness.


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