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发布时间:2023-12-11 22:07:01

[填空题]Paragraph Three In the past, making structures quake-resistant meant firm yet flexible materials, such as steel and wood that bend without breaking. Later, people tried to lift a building off its foundation, and insert rubber and steel between the building and its foundation to reduce the impact of ground vibrations. The most recent designs give buildings brains as well as concrete and steel supports. These are called smart buildings.

更多"Paragraph Three In the past, m"的相关试题:

[简答题]In the second paragraph, there are three problems mentioned by the author: they are

[填空题]Paragraph Three mainly describes the definition of an older worker.

[填空题]Paragraph Three Daylight saving time began in the United States during World War I, primarily to save fuel by reducing the need to use artificial lighting. Although some states and communities observed daylight saving time between the wars, it was not observed nationally again until World War II.
[简答题]What does "those" in Paragraph three refer to
[填空题]Paragraph Three As we all know, in this rapidly changing world,competition is here and there,especially for high positions.For that reason,it is crucial for those who operate the company or manage the city, town and so on to make decisions,so the work itself needs high quality people to make things better and better.
[简答题]Examination You are to write in three paragraphs according to the main ideas ’of each paragraph given below. 1. 考试的作用。 2. 你认为该怎样来对待考试。 3. 现在考试存在弊端。 You should write about 160-200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)
[单项选择]Can you the three mistakes in this paragraph
A. turn out
B. bring out
C. call out
D. pick out
[单项选择]After a very busy schedule in the past three weeks, John plans to take things ()for a while.
A. at ease
B. easily
C. ease
D. with ease
[单项选择]For most of the past three years, the highly pathogenic bird flu known as HSNI has been found mainly in Asia. Suddenly it has arrived in many countries in Europe, triggering widespread alarm. The detection of the virus in wild birds across Europe is certainly a cause for concern, particularly to Europe’s poultry farmers, who are rightfully worried that the presence of the virus in wild birds will increase the risk to their flocks. However, in the midst of a European debate about the benefits of vaccinating chickens and whether or not poultry should be brought indoors, there is a danger that far more significant events elsewhere will be overlooked.
In particular, most attention should be focused on the fact that bird flu is now widespread in the poultry flocks of two nations in Africa—Egypt and Nigeria—and in India. And on the fact that, in Nigeria, the disease is continuing to spread despite great efforts undertaken by the government. An outbreak in Afghanistan also appears to be
A. Most probably, H5N1 originated in Asia.
B. HSN1 has aroused an argument in Europe.
C. The spread of H5N1 seems to be unavoidable.
D. The fight against H5N1 has failed in some country.
[单项选择]What were the sales like in the past three years


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