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发布时间:2024-01-09 05:32:06

[填空题]I remember (see) ______ you somewhere before, but I can’t tell the exact place.

更多"I remember (see) ______ you somewhe"的相关试题:

[填空题]I remember (see)()her once somewhere.
[填空题]I remember (see) ______ him once somewhere.
[单项选择]-Nice to see you. I ( ) you for a long time.
-I ( ) in Berlin. I've just got back.
A. didn't see, am
B. wasn't seeing, am
C. hadn't see, have been
D. haven't seen, was
[单项选择]I ______ to see you but I was occupied in designing a new device.
A. would have come
B. would come
C. had come
D. came
[单项选择]I'm sorry I can't see you immediately; but if you' d like to take a seat, I'll be with you ()
A. for a moment
B. in a moment
C. for the moment
D. at the moment

W: Every time I see you, you are wearing a different shirt.
M: That’s because I have one for every day of the week.

How many shirts does the man have( ).
A. Five.
B. Six.
C. Seven.
[单项选择]Interviewer: Let me see if I understood you. You mean that you can work extra hours if needed, right   Interviewee: __________
A. Yes. No matter what you say.
B. Yes. Thank you for your clarification.
C. Yes. You sure understand me.
D. Yes. Absolutely.
[单项选择]A. I’m sorry. B. I’ll see you later. C. Is that so early D. Must you leave so soon
[简答题]{{I}}Before you leave school you want to sell you mobile phone. Write a note of about 60 words describing the condition of your mobile phone, how much you would like for it, and where you can be conducted. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy.{{/I}}
[填空题]I didn’t see you at the party. If you(come)(),I would have introduced him to you.
  • A. see you tomorrow
  • B. I have your name
  • C. check in
  • D. I have one
  • E. to take a look
  • F. you want
  • G. are you interested in
  • H. I have to put you in the waiting list
    Blanca: Hello. I’m calling about the apartment you advertised.
    Manager: Yes. What kind of apartment (56)
    Blanca: I’m interested in a one-bedroom. Do you have any available
    Manager: Yes. (57) . when do you need it
    Blanca: Sometime around next week. May I come over tomorrow (58)
    Manager: Sure. What time would you like to come
    Blanca: How about 10 am
    Manager: Good. May (59) , please
    Blanca: My name is Blanca.
    Manager: Blanca. I’ll (60) .



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