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发布时间:2024-07-28 20:08:24

[单项选择]In 1989 Tillie Fowler a Republican, became the first member of her party to serving as president of the city council of Jacksonville, Florida.

更多"In 1989 Tillie Fowler a Republican,"的相关试题:

[填空题]As Ireland became richer, Irish people became less interested in simple ideas.
[单项选择]As my father grew old he became odd. He became mean where once he had been open-handed, and complained about the bills run up by the students who sometimes lived with him. He often woke up at four in the morning and started to go out of the house. And he mislaid things, but he had never in his life had to find anything or file anything. He told the same stories, but he had always repeated stories, absorbed in the telling and unaware of the listener’s expression of recognition or boredom. Now he had fewer stories to tell.
But the structure of his personality remained intact and his mind was as keen and fresh, as alert to anything new and interesting as it had ever been. The spring before he died I gave a seminar to a group who thought of themselves as avant-guard (先锋派), but he was the most searching questions.
In the summer of 1956, after he had to move from the little house in which all the mementos of his life were in place, he was obviously failing. Although his grandch
A. usually followed a strict set of rules about diet and exercise
B. had a penetrating mind
C. believed he had a right to run risks in his own way
D. often asked his neighbors to tell him interesting stories
[简答题]Although Republican Dwight Eisenhower won the United States presidency in A B 1952 and 1956, the Democrats ran Congress for six of his eight years into office. C D
[单项选择]The Democratic and Republican parties are the largest and most competitive organizations in the American community. Americans almost inevitably become Democrats or Republicans because there is usually no other place for them go to. Moreover, because the rivalry of these parties is very old, most Americans know where they belong in the system. As a consequence of the dominance of the major parties, most elected officials are either Republicans or Democrats. Attempts to break up this old political system have been made in every presidential election in the past one hundred years, but the system has survived all assaults.
How does it happen that the system is so strongly rooted in American politics The explanation is probably to be found in the way elections are conducted. In the United States, unlike countries with a parliamentary system of government, we elect not only the President, but a large number of other officials. We also elect congressmen from single-member districts. F
A. The election system.
B. The parliamentary system of government.
C. The large number of representatives.
D. The different election districts.
In recent speeches at Republican fundraisers, President Bush has taken to criticizing the press for baring government secrets.
The outgoing secretary of the Treasury, John Snow, in what may have been his last official act, wrote to The New York Times that in exposing the monitoring of bank transfers, it had undermined a successful counterterrorism program.
A house resolution, passed by a party line vote, called on the media to safeguard classified programs.
The government has discovered what governments have discovered before, that an undercurrent of hostility towards the news media runs through the country and that there could be political advantage in campaigning against the press in general.
The champion press hater, of course, was President Nixon, who told his staff that the press is the enemy, and he proceeded to declare his own priv
A. President Bush.
B. John Snow.
C. President Nixon.
D. Pat Buchanan.


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