发布时间:2024-02-11 01:26:05


As our van pulled up to the ranch (牧场) to start a three-month program for troubled boys, we passed a cowboy on his horse. Bill was the owner of the ranch. We made eye contact through the dusty window and he winked (挤眼睛) at me and touched the brim of his cowboy hat in welcome.
All summer long Bill and his ranch-hands taught us to ride horses, chop wood, and round up cattle. We started to understand the value of working with our hands. Knowing how important it was for boys like me to know that someone believed in them, he trusted us to do the job and do it right. We never let him down.
The last day at the ranch, Bill pulled me aside and praised me for the work I had done-- not only on the ranch, but also on myself. He told me if I ever needed anything I could count on him.
Four years later, I took him up on th
A. seriousness
B. friendliness
C. authority
D. generosity

更多"As our van pulled up to the ranch ("的相关试题:


As our van pulled up to the ranch (牧场) to start a three-month program for troubled boys, we passed a cowboy on his horse. Bill was the owner of the ranch. We made eye contact through the dusty window and he winked (挤眼睛) at me and touched the brim of his cowboy hat in welcome.
All summer long Bill and his ranch-hands taught us to ride horses, chop wood, and round up cattle. We started to understand the value of working with our hands. Knowing how important it was for boys like me to know that someone believed in them, he trusted us to do the job and do it right. We never let him down.
The last day at the ranch, Bill pulled me aside and praised me for the work I had done-- not only on the ranch, but also on myself. He told me if I ever needed anything I could count on him.
Four years later, I took him up on th
A. strict guidance in proper behavior
B. challenging demand in hard work
C. sympathy and tolerance from adults
D. understanding and trust from others
[填空题]Research shows that we start to make up our minds about people within seven seconds of meeting them.


M: Welcome to Business Start-up. Our guest today is Beth Hatfield. Beth started her own recruitment agency of temporary marketing staff when she lost her own job some years ago. Thank you for coming, Beth.
F: Thank you, Michael. Nice to be hero.
M: A lot of people think it’s the end of work when they lose their jobs. Tell us what happened in your case...
F: Well, I was working for Fast Forward, a marketing services agency. It seemed very successful — you know, with a very impressive client list... but I had heard there were cash flow problems. There was some talk of a possible takeover to save the company, but this all came to nothing. Without any notice, we were all suddenly made redundant.
M: And how did you react
F: Well, I didn’t think that there’d be any difficulty for me, or for the friends I’d worked with at the agency, in finding new jobs. My main concern was actually for one of the company’s mai
A. had financial difficulties.
B. lost a major contract.
C. was taken over.

[单项选择]We have not fixed the date ()we shall start our holidays.
A. and
B. that
C. when
D. which

M: Ok, now let’s start our oral test. Suppose you are visiting an art museum.
W: I beg your pardon, Sir

Where does the conversation most probably take place ()
A. In a museum.
B. In a classroom.
C. In the street.
D. On a bus.
Planning the Start-up Seize the Day…

Executives who say they’d love to leave the battleship to skipper a nimble start-up fall back on a variety of perfectly legitimate rationales for why it’s not yet time: I need to acquire more (19) ,to figure out how financing really (20) , and so on. While they are waiting for everything to fall into (21) ,managers are acquiring big-company habits that can hurt them when they finally make the (22) .
Long tenures in corporate jobs keep executives from becoming the "jack-of-all-trades" that new ventures generally (23) .They get used to having HR specialists take care of HR issues, finance aces prepare reports, and IT whizzes (24) the company infrastructure. (25) people in big companies are successful "because they can manage a (26) ,"says Barry Nalls, the founder of Masergy, a Texas-based Telecom. But "in an early-stage co
A. truly
B. actually
C. certainly
D. factually


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