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发布时间:2024-02-13 22:38:59

[填空题]Genetic engineering (GE) of food is a risk process. Current (81) understanding of genetics is extremely limited but scientists do (82) not know the long-term effects of releasing these predictable (83) foods into our environment and our diets. Yet, GE ingredients is (84) freely entering our food without sufficient regulations and without the consent and knowledge of consumer. (85) Although transnational companies and their political supporters want we to believe that GE food is safe and (86) thoroughly tested, but growing awareness to the dangers from it (87) has started a global wave of rejection by consumers, fanners and food companies in many of the world’s largest food markets. Due to consumer pressure, supermarkets have taken GE food from (88) their shelves, global food companies have removed GE ingredients to their products an

更多"Genetic engineering (GE) of food is"的相关试题:

[填空题]Genetic engineering (GE) of food is a risk process. Current (81) understanding of genetics is extremely limited but scientists do (82) not know the long-term effects of releasing these predictable (83) foods into our environment and our diets. Yet, GE ingredients is (84) freely entering our food without sufficient regulations and without the consent and knowledge of consumer. (85) Although transnational companies and their political supporters want we to believe that GE food is safe and (86) thoroughly tested, but growing awareness to the dangers from it (87) has started a global wave of rejection by consumers, fanners and food companies in many of the world’s largest food markets. Due to consumer pressure, supermarkets have taken GE food from (88) their shelves, global food companies have removed GE ingredients to their products an
[简答题]genetic engineering
[单项选择] Genetic engineering holds great potential payoffs for farmers and consumers by making crops resistant to pests, diseases, and even chemicals used to kill surrounding weeds. But new research raises concerns that altering crops to withstand such threats may pose new risks from none other than the weeds themselves. This is due to the weeds ability to acquire genes from the neighboring agricultural crops. Researchers found that when a weed cross-breeds with a farm-cultivated relative and thus acquires new genetic traits possibly including artificial genes engineered to make the crop hardier the hybrid weed can pass along those traits to future generations. "The result may be very hardy, hard-to-kill weeds," said Allison Snow, a plant ecologist at Ohio State University in Columbus who conducted the experiments over the past six years along with two colleagues. They presented their results last week at the annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America in Madison, Wisconsin.
A. the results of recent research
B. dangers inherent in the nature of weeds
C. risks of altering crops’’ genetic make-ups
D. threats posed by chemicals used to kill weeds
[填空题]Genetic engineering technology is helpful to improve people’s health conditions.

[单项选择]Because the process of freezing food consumes energy, many people keep their electric freezers half-empty, using them only to store commercially frozen foods. Yet freezers that are half-empty often consume more energy than they would if they were kept fully stocked.
Which of the following, if true, contributes most to an explanation of the apparent discrepancy described above ?()
A. A given volume of air in a freezer requires much more energy to be maintained at a temperature below freezing than does an identical volume of frozen food.
B. The more often a freezer’s door is opened, the more energy is required to maintain that freezer’s normal temperature.
C. When unfrozen foods are placed in a freezer, the average temperature of a given volume of air inside that freezer rises temporarily.
D. A person who normally maintains a half-empty freezer can cut energy costs considerably by using a freezer that is 50 percent smaller.
E. An electric freezer can operate efficiently only if chilled air is free to circulate within the freezing compartment.
[填空题]Interview is a vital process for a candidate to get a job. It often happens that a number of applicants with almost (36) qualifications and experience all apply for the same (37) There is little to choose between half a dozen candidates in their educational (38) , special skills and work experience. How then does the employer make a choice It is usually on the basis of an interview.
There axe many arguments for and against the interview as a selection (39) . The main argument against it is that it results in a wholly (40) decision. As often as not, employers do not choose the best candidate, they choose the candidate who makes a good first (41) on them. Some employers argue that they have become so experienced in interviewing (42) that they are able to make a (43) assessment. The main argument in favor of the interview is that (44) .
It is perhaps true to say that (45) but to make


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