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发布时间:2023-11-24 19:46:00

[填空题]It’s a nice spring day. Mrs. White puts _____ her coat, goes out and shuts the door.

更多"It’s a nice spring day. Mrs. White "的相关试题:

[填空题]It’s a nice spring day. Mrs. White puts _____ her coat, goes out and shuts the door.
[单项选择]Her success in work ( ) in her hard work and her strong sense of responsibility.
A. lain
B. laid
C. lied
D. lay
[单项选择]She is very ( )about her appearance. Half of her salary goes to clothes.
A. particular
B. peculiar
C. special
D. unusual
[单项选择]I found her nice and honest______I met her.
A. first time
B. for the first time
C. the first time
D. by the first time
[单项选择]You know her—that nice teenager across the street Chloe. There she is, sitting in one of the two captain’s seats in the midsection of her mom’s Toyota Sienna, bopping along to the music on her iPod. Now and then she pulls out one of the ear buds so that she can tell her mom some forgotten bit of news or gossip; Chloe’s mom is up to speed on the dramas that are always unfolding in her daughter’s circle of friends, just as she can tell you the date of her next French test, the topic of her coming history paper and the location and scope of her next community service project. They have a great night planned out: they’re going to pick up Chloe’s best friend and then drive back home for a night of DVDs and popcorn in the family room. Her mom will putter around close by, and her dad will probably sit down and watch one of the movies with the girls.
When I was in high school in the 1970s,we had a name for teenagers like Chloe: losers. If an otherwise normal girl thought that the best way
A. a teacher.
B. a parent.
C. a teenager.
D. a reporter.
[单项选择]The plaintiff could only recover payment for her services if there was evidence of an implied or express contract to______her for the work which she had done.
A. sanction
B. congratulate
C. remunerate
D. promote
E. impeach
[单项选择]Though sometimes too lazy to work as hard as her sisters, Linda has a more avid fondness for the limelight.
A. mercurial
B. gallant
C. ardent
D. frugal
[单项选择]I chose a nice dress ______ her.
A. to
B. by
C. for
D. 什么都不填
[单项选择]He is the only one that is senior in age ( ) her so she called him old pal.
A. over
B. against
C. to
D. above
[填空题]Her eyes were clear and blue, and her voice was (surprise)()strong as he greeted me.
[填空题]Chiaki Mukai’s mother was against her daughter’s choice because she thought that being an astronaut was dangerous.

[单项选择]You ( ) her in her office last Friday; she' s been out of town for two weeks.
A. needn't have seen
B. must have seen
C. might have seen
D. can' t have seen


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