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发布时间:2024-09-02 18:14:59

[简答题]Britain’s most prestigious scientific institution, the Royal Society, will host a meeting for some of the world’s top psychologists. Their aim is to find out why it is that some people’s lives go so right. What is it that makes them happy and fulfilled, while others seem doomed to founder in misery, dissatisfaction and dejection Psychologists have known for some time that optimism is a good defense against unhappiness.“If you are optimistic and you think life is going to get better, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy,” says Baylis. “You will involve yourself more, you will take more care of yourself. You will figure that if you do more exercise and not booze as much, life will be better.” Positive psychologists believe optimism can be learned, and we can teach ourselves to see a half-empty glass as half-full.“Research on depression shows that one of the biggest causes of depression is ruminating about something that went wrong in the past,” says Baylis.“What happens is

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[简答题]Britain’s most prestigious scientific institution, the Royal Society, will host a meeting for some of the world’s top psychologists. Their aim is to find out why it is that some people’s lives go so right. What is it that makes them happy and fulfilled, while others seem doomed to founder in misery, dissatisfaction and dejection Psychologists have known for some time that optimism is a good defense against unhappiness.“If you are optimistic and you think life is going to get better, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy,” says Baylis. “You will involve yourself more, you will take more care of yourself. You will figure that if you do more exercise and not booze as much, life will be better.” Positive psychologists believe optimism can be learned, and we can teach ourselves to see a half-empty glass as half-full.“Research on depression shows that one of the biggest causes of depression is ruminating about something that went wrong in the past,” says Baylis.“What happens is
They may be one of Britain’s most successful exports and among the world’s most popular TV shows, ranking alongside the World Cup Final and the Olympic Games opening ceremony in terms of audience. But, in Britain, beauty competitions are unfashionable. To most people, beauty contests seem as out-dated as bowing. Nicolas Barker, a lawyer in London, said that" As much as I think it’s fine for women to do it I don’t think it’s interesting and in fact. I think they’re irrelevant to today". Last year, Miss World was broadcast to 142 countries, but it wasn’t even shown in this country where it started in 1951.
It wasn’t always this way in Britain. once, beauty queens dated footballers, traveled the world and were guaranteed fame, fortune and fun. Now, they open new supermarkets, are sponsored by dry-cleaning companies and, if they’re lucky, they get free cloth
A. bringing huge benefits for the country
B. as popular as the World Cup Final
C. no longer popular in the country
D. widely protested in the country
[填空题]Britain’s Concealed Advantage
[单项选择]Britain’s undeclared general election campaign has already seen the politicians trading numbers as boxers trade punches. There is nothing new in such statistical slanging matches (相互谩骂). What is new is an underestimation of worry about what has been happening to official statistics under the Labour government.
One of the most important figures for Gordon Brown when presenting his pre-election budget on March 16th was the current-budget balance. This is the gap between current revenues and current spending. It matters to the chancellor of the exchequer (财政部长) because he is committed to meeting his own "golden rule" of borrowing only to invest, so he has to ensure that the current budget is in balance or surplus over the economic cycle.
Mr. Brown told MPs that he would meet the golden rule for the current cycle with ~ 6 billion ( $11.4 billion) to spare--a respectable-sounding margin, though much less than in the past. However, the margin woul
A. whether he can deliver what he has promised.
B. whether the budget is realistic over the economic cycle.
C. whether his government wins the next election.
D. whether the golden rule is a sound theory.


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