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发布时间:2024-07-02 00:29:24

[填空题]Because they were (unaware of) his (interests in) the building, they did net understand why he (felt) (so had). A. unaware of B. interests in C. felt D. so had

更多"Because they were (unaware of) his "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The policemen acted quickly because lives were at stake
A. in danger
B. in diffculty
C. in despair
D. out of control
[填空题]We are fully aware of freedom because we were born free, we live free and we will die free:

[单项选择]The policemen acted quickly because lives were {{U}}at stake{{/U}}.
A. in danger
B. in difficulty
C. in despair
D. out of control
[单项选择]The fireman acted quickly because lives were( ).
A. out of danger
B. in despair
C. in danger
D. out of condition
[单项选择]Passage Two
A. Because they were forced to do so by the British government.
B. Because it best serves the needs of its native speakers.
C. Because it is the easiest language for internal and international communication.
D. Because with multilingual populations they need it for internal communication.
[填空题]Because they were foreigners, the tourists ______ (被拒绝进入) the military exhibition.
[填空题]We forgave his bad temper because we knew that his son’s illness had put him under great _____.
[单项选择]He was made () his working because of his poor health
A. to give up
B. given up
C. give up
D. giving up
[单项选择]His grandmother brought him up, because his parents ______ when he was only one year old.
A. passed away B. passed out C. passed off D. passed over
[单项选择]Because of his outstanding achievement in sale this year, he has been assured of a new that by his boss()
A. 他今年因销售了一套新楼层而工作出色。
B. 由于他今年销售作得好,所以被允许住进新房。
C. 由于他今年出色的成就,他有了一套新住宅。
D. 由于他今年的销售工作出色,老板奖励他一套新房。
[填空题]Because his family couldn’t afford his education fee, Jim had to________________(辍学).
[单项选择]He has become a celebrity because of his wonderful performance in the play( ).
A. director
B. actor
C. star
D. film - maker
[单项选择]It is because of his plays that Shakespeare is now considered the greatest English writer in history. The era in which he lived, Elizabethan England, was a time in which broad interests and creativity could flourish. Elizabeth, the queen, was beloved by her subjects and proved to be a powerful and able ruler. Under the reign of Elizabeth, England changed from an island kingdom to an expanding empire. England grew rich through trade. Sixteenth-century Englishmen traveled to the New World and to Africa. Music, dance, poetry, painting, and architecture flourished; but the art form in which Elizabethan England distingusihed the rest of Europe was the theater.
The theater, which had practically disappeared from Europe was, at this time, received as a part of the church service. Later, no longer as a part of the service, the" mystery plays" responded to popular taste by adding more and more comic elements. In England, they were sponsored by various trade guilds and presented on stage wa
A. He lived in the Elizabethan Age.
B. He was quite wealthy.
C. He had broad interest.
D. He was experienced in acting and theater management.


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