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发布时间:2024-07-07 05:55:32

[简答题]by a product / from its manufacturer / any person / is injured / may recover damages / who

更多"by a product / from its manufacture"的相关试题:

[填空题]TV and the internet distance a person from his/her friends, because people nowadays ________________ (缺乏与同伴们面对面交流的机会。)

[单项选择]Apart from its impact on commercial and industrial structures and procedures, the rapid development of the global communications system is apparently ______ barriers between peoples at a pace neither governments nor international agencies can hope to control.
A. setting up
B. triggering off
C. breaking up
D. breaking down.
[填空题]Different from its English equivalent, the Hopi word for room must be used with a directional ______.

[单项选择]The city is separated from its suburbs by extensive areas of park lands.( )
A. 市区被分为郊区和大片公园区。
B. 市区被郊区分为大片公园区。
C. 郊区从市区那儿分开,有一大片公园。
D. 市区与郊区之间有大片公园区。
[填空题]Where did the person graduate from
[单项选择]Sound moves from its source to the ear by wave like fluctuations in air pressure, something like the peaks and troughs or the lowest point of ocean waves. One way to keep from hearing sound is to use ear plugs. Another way is to cancel out the sound with anti-sound.
Using a noise maker controlled by a microprocessor, engineers have produced sound waves that are half a wavelength out of phase with those of the noise to be quieted--each peak is matched to a trough, and vice versa. Once the researchers have recorded the offending sound, a microprocessor calculates the amplitude and wavelength of sound that will cancel out the highest and lowest points of the noise. It then produces an electric current that is amplified and fed to a loudspeaker, which produces anti-sound and wipes out the noise. If the anti-sound goes out of synchronization, a microphone picks up the leftover sound and sends it back to the microprocessor, which changes the phase of the anti-sound just enough to cause
A. the rising and falling of water in the ocean
B. the crests and valleys of mountain ranges
C. a flag waving in the air
D. a machine for measuring air pressure
[填空题]In order to gains more money from its investors, a corporation may issue split stock.

[填空题]Qian’s travel agency has cut Disneyland from its Hong Kong tour itinerary for the sake of high costs for it.

[单项选择]A () refers to an animal that is born from its mother's body, not form an egg, and drinks its mother's milk as a baby.
A. mammoth
B. penguin
C. mosquito
D. mammal
[简答题]Person Do you think there are any differences between male and female teachers
[填空题]When will the website collect its visitors’ personal information When the visitors wish to fill in ______.


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