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发布时间:2024-09-05 05:26:59

[简答题]X and Y were trading in partnership sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 1:1. They agreed to accept Z as a new partner. The new profit and loss sharing ratio among X, Y and Z would be 2:2:1. The capital account balances of X and Y were $100,000 (Cr) respectively. Z was to contribute $50,000 cash as his capital and also contribute $200,000 cash to the business as consideration for his share of the goodwill of the partnership. Make journal entries for Z’s contributions assuming that no goodwill account is to be raised. (5 marks)

更多"X and Y were trading in partnership"的相关试题:

[简答题]X and Y were trading in partnership sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 1:1. They agreed to accept Z as a new partner. The new profit and loss sharing ratio among X, Y and Z would be 2:2:1. The capital account balances of X and Y were $100,000 (Cr) respectively. Z was to contribute $50,000 cash as his capital and also contribute $200,000 cash to the business as consideration for his share of the goodwill of the partnership. Prepare a statement showing the sharing of the goodwill between the old partners and among the new partners. (5 marks)
[填空题]Were it not for your help, the profit of the company this year____________ (不会比去年翻一翻).
[简答题]In partnership law, a partnership may be terminated at any time by one of the partners if they can show justa causa. With reference to relevant authorities explain what amounts to justa causa. (10 marks)
[简答题]profit before tax
[简答题]profit/loss statement
[简答题]securities margin trading
[简答题]Explain how a limited liability partnership combines the benefits of a company and a partnership. (10 marks)
· Read the following article about partnership and the questions below the passage.
· For each question (13—18), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) mi your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.
{{B}}Understanding Partnership{{/B}}
The Uniform Partnership Act defines a partnership as "an association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners of a business for a profit." The partnership came into being us an evolutionary outgrowth of the proprietorship by correcting stone of tile disadvantages of that ownership form. The formation of a partnership is relatively simple, but because it involves two or more people, it must be based upon an understanding between the partners. In other words, a contract is required. Although the contract can be oral. it is wiser to have so i
A. corporation.
B. sole-proprietorship.
C. co-operative.
D. joint venture.
[简答题]Bothepha, Gorata and Onneile formed a partnership six years ago, although Bothepha was a sleeping partner and never had anything to do with running the business. Two years ago the partnership employed Tumelo as its manager and last year Gorata retired from the partnership. Onneile subsequently has left much of the day-to-day work to Tumelo who has let it be known generally that he has become a partner, although he has not. In May of this year Tumelo entered into two large contracts. The first one was with a longstanding customer, Robert, who had dealt with the partnership for some five years. The second contract was with a new customer, Simon. Both believed Tumelo’s claim that he was a partner in the business. Both contracts have gone badly wrong leaving the partnership still owing a total of P900,000 to both Robert and Simon. Unfortunately the business assets will only cover the first P450,000 of the total debt. Required: Explain the potential liabilities of Bothepha, Gorata, Onne
[单项选择]New data released today from the Partnership for a Drug Free America suggest that not only are girls now drinking more than boys, they turn to drugs and alcohol for more serious reasons as well. The report, which analyzed results from the 2009 Partnership Attitude Tracking Study (PATS), a survey of teen attitudes and behaviors, shows that the number of middle-and high-school girls who say they drink has increased by 11 percent in the past year. Boys have stayed at about the same level, hovering around 52 percent.
These numbers are more indicative of a long-term trend than a sudden uptick. In 2005 the rate of girls who had used alcohol in the past year as surveyed by the partnership hit 57 percent, only to fall back to 55 percent in 2007 and 53 percent in 2008. (During that same time, boys continued to fall within a couple of percentage points of 50 percent, but the changes were not statistically significant. )
These aren’t the only data to note issues involving girls and drin
A. Teen girls are drinking more than boys for different reasons.
B. Measures should be taken to relieve the stress and worries of teen girls.
C. Teen girls are feeling more stress than boys.
D. Teen girls are drinking mainly for fun.


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