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发布时间:2024-07-31 02:13:55

[简答题]A “Carriage Outwards” account normally has a debit balance.

更多"A “Carriage Outwards” account norma"的相关试题:

[简答题]Please debit the amount required to our account.
[简答题]Please debit the amount required to our account.(3分)
[简答题]Although China has introduced current account convertibility, capital account transactions remain under control.
[单项选择]He has been asked to account _______ his absence.
A. for
B. on
C. of
D. about
[填空题]Credit cards are more useful than debit cards because the latter can only be used when you are familiar with the online shops.
[填空题]Judges will normally interpret contracts strictly and will use certain principles when it______ (解决意思前后矛盾、模菱两面可的问题时).

People applying for jobs normally send in a copy of their CV. This should be used as a basis for questions from the interviewer.
Interviewers find it useful to ask candidates about the way they behaved in difficult situations in the past, for example with an angry customer or colleague. These questions allow applicants to explain how they acted in a real-life situation and, consequently, give clues as to how they would act again in similar situations. Candidates are likely to tell the truth as speaking from memory leaves little time to invent what happened. On the other hand, questions which ask candidates to imagine how they would behave in a situation which they have probably never met are of little or no value. This is because they only provide answers about how candidates would hope to behave, and this might not match the actions they would actually take.
In any interview candidates must be treated fairly, with
A. They must spend some time with customers in the store.
B. They must know the first names of all their staff.
C. They must spend most of their time in their offices.
[单项选择]Passage Two
Normally a student must attend a certain number of courses in order to graduate, and each course which he attends gives a credit which may matter toward a degree. In many American universities the total work for a degree consists of thirty-six courses each lasting for one semester. A typical course consists of three classes per week for fifteen weeks; while attending a university a student will probably attend four or five courses during each semester. Normally a student would expect to take four years attending two semesters each year. It is possible to spread the period of work for the degree over a longer period. It is also possible for a student to move between one university and another during his degree course, though this is not in fact done as a regular practice.
For every course followed a student is given a grade, whic
A. to live in a different university
B. to take a particular course in a different university
C. to live at home and drive to classes
D. to get two degrees from two different universities

Banks normally receive money from their customers in two distinct forms: on current account, and on deposit account. With a current account, a customer can issue personal cheques. No interest is paid by the bank on this type of account. With a deposit account, however, the customer undertakes ( 答应 ) to leave his money in the bank for a minimum specified period of time. Interest is paid on this money.
The bank in turn lends the deposited money to customers who need capital. This activity earns interest for the bank, and this interest is almost always at a higher rate than any interest which the bank pays to its depositors. In this way the bank makes its main profits.
We can say that the primary function of a bank today is to act as an intermediary ( 中间人) between depositors who wish to make interest on their savings, and borrowers who wish to obtain capital. The bank is a reservoir ( 水库 ) of loanable money, with streams of money flowing in and out. For this reason,
A. is always more than
B. is sometimes higher than
C. is the same as
D. is sometimes lower than

People applying for jobs normally send in a copy of their CV. This should be used as a basis for questions from the interviewer.
Interviewers find it useful to ask candidates about the way they behaved in difficult situations in the past, for example with an angry customer or colleague. These questions allow applicants to explain how they acted in a real-life situation and, consequently, give clues as to how they would act again in similar situations. Candidates are likely to tell the truth as speaking from memory leaves little time to invent what happened. On the other hand questions which ask candidates to imagine how they would behave in a situation which they have probably never met are of little or no value. This is because they only provide answers about how candidates would hope to behave, and this might not match the actions they would actually take.
In any interview candidates must be treated fairly, with questions asked in the same manner and with n
A. candidates should ask questions at the end of the interview.
B. interviewers should ask all the candidates the same question.
C. interviews should all last for roughly the same length of tim
[判断题]Normally tramp rates fluctuate with market conditions of supply and demand.( )
[判断题]Debit instructions arise when the party to whom payment is to be made demands the funds from the bank holding the debtor’s money.
[填空题]Houses are normally fairly stationary objects, and that’s not considered as a bad thing. But (36) never stands still, and a new kind of house that can walk on six legs has been built. The house is ten feet high, (37) by solar panels, and consists of a kitchen, toilet, bed, and wood stove. Last week, the house, a (38) between MIT and N55, appeared as an art project at the Wysing Art Center. (39) to move at the muscle speed of a human, the house walked at about five kilometers an hour. N55 says the walking house is meant to be an (40) concept that is not harmful to the environment and (41) excursions.
Samuel Kronick, an MIT student, designed the legs and wrote the (42) so that the house can move. The six legs provide high stability even over (43) terrain. And, with high motor function, the house can turn left and right, move forward and back, and even change height as needed. Kronick says


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