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发布时间:2023-10-20 19:40:26


Questions 1-4

According to the talk, what dictionary is especially useful for scholars and researchers?()
A. A school dictionary.
B. A college dictionary.
C. A general dictionary.
D. A specialized dictionary.

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Questions 1-4

According to the talk, what is a plateau?()
A. A temporary condition where you don’t feel any progress in learning.
B. A flat and smooth spot in your study where you make fewer mistakes.
C. A long-term struggle which does not bring you any tangible rewards.
D. An educational research on language learning that is unusual and advanced.
[单项选择]According to the talk, what probably contributed most to the success of the new study of Mount Everest ( ).
A. Detailed maps from previous studies
B. Recent advances in technology.
C. Plenty of funding for the study
D. Experience carrying heavy loads up mountains
[单项选择]According to the talk, what did David Sarnoff predict about radios
A. They would get smaller in size.
B. Their signals would travel further.
C. They would become less popular than television.
D. They would be common household items.

According to the talk, what should you do with food that doesn’t seem to be normal We should ______________________ immediately.
[简答题]According to the talk, what is the correct way of taking and receiving a business card in Japan

AE. According to the talk, what should you do with food that doesn’t seem to be normal

According to the talk, what should you do with food that doesn’t seem to be normal
We should ( ) immediately.


Questions 1-4

According to the talk, where is music most likely to become the center of our focus?()
A. In the elevator.
B. In the car.
C. In the bathroom.
D. In the church.

Questions 1-4

According to the speaker, what should you try to do once you arrive in your destination?()
A. Sleep as soon as possible.
B. Nap even during daytime.
C. Get a good night’s sleep.
D. Relax yourself in a cafe.

Questions 1-4

According to the man, what inspired him to dedicate his life to studying dinosaurs?()
A. His grandfather’s house.
B. His parents’ remarks.
C. A magazine.
D. A coursebook.
[单项选择]What is Car Talk according to this conversation
A. A radio program concerning car maintenance.
B. A radio program entertaining car drivers.
C. A built-in communication system.
D. Automatic alarming system.

Questions 1-4

According to the women, what will teenagers do if they are used to a brand?()
A. Be easily affected by other products.
B. Be aware of the same kind of product.
C. Stick to that particular product.
D. Strike a bargain for other products.

Questions 1-4

According to the man, what is the benefit if independent schools join the state system?()
A. Clever and less bright children will mix well with each other.
B. School authorities will receive more funds from the government.
C. Most students will do well in their entrance examination for the higher education.
D. Every child will have an equal opportunity to go on to higher education.

Questions 1-4

What is the relationship between the man and the woman?()
A. They are friendly neighbors.
B. They are company colleagues.
C. They are husband and wife.
D. They are guide and tourist.

Questions 1-4

What does the speaker recommend if you do not want to drink much water during the flight?()
A. Avoid junk food, salty foods, caffeine and alcohol.
B. Drink as little water as possible between meals.
C. Take drinks with less sugar, carbonation or caffeine.
D. Always have other fluid on the plane.

Questions 1-4

What in the advertisement has made the man laugh?()
A. The products were all made from fresh vegetables and fruits.
B. The homemade products were actually made in the factory.
C. The factory was equipped with the most sophisticated machinery.
D. There were homemade fresh vegetables and fruits in the factory.

Questions 1-4

What is typical of "umbrella species"?()
A. Their survival is closely related to numerous other species living in the same habitats.
B. Their enormous size makes them the king animals superior over numerous other species.
C. They usually live on top of the mountains so that it is difficult for humans to hunt.
D. They enjoy privileges as with special measures and extra protection from human beings.

Questions 1-4

What will you get when you complete a language course, according to the talk?()
A. Some cash.
B. Language skills.
C. A stained certificate.
D. A business contract.

Questions 1-4

What was the score of the football match?()
A. Leeds United 2; York City 1.
B. Leeds United 3; York City 2.
C. Leeds United 1; York City 3.
D. Leeds United 2; York City 3.

Questions 1-4

What is the purpose of organizing foreign clubs on campus?()
A. To help the students from the same countries overcome their homesickness and other problems.
B. To set up booths decorated with pictures and things of interest in the respective countries.
C. To recruit anyone who can see to help make costumes so that every club member can wear their national costume.
D. To teach the American students Scottish and Irish folk dances during the special event of the display.


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