发布时间:2023-12-21 19:37:49

[简答题]Beyond two or three days,the worlds best weather forecasts are speculative,and beyond six or seven they are worthless.

更多"Beyond two or three days,the world"的相关试题:

[单项选择]For three consecutive days, pictures of the nationwide strike were______ displayed on the front page of the Times newspaper.
A. formerly
B. prominently
C. occasionally
D. promptly
[单项选择]Passage Three It has been two decades since the fate of a bashful bird that most people had never seen came to symbolize the bitter divide over whether to save or saw down the ancient forests of the Pacific Northwest. Yet it was not until Thursday that the federal government offered its final plan to prevent the bird, the northern spotted owl, from going extinct. After repeated revisions, constant court fights and shifting science, the Fish and Wildlife Service presented a plan that addresses a range of threats to the owl, including some that few imagined when it was listed as a threatened species in 1990. The newer threats include climate change and the arrival of a formidable feathered competitor, the barred owl, in the soaring old-growth evergreens of Washington, Oregon and California where spotted owls nest and hunt. One experiment included in the plan: shooting hundreds of barred owls to see whether that helps spotted owls recover. Even after all these yea
A. save Northern spotted owl
B. save the Northwest forest
C. list environmental threats to the Northern spotted owl
D. list the Northern spotted owl as a threatened species
[填空题]If you have three subjects to review in three days, the best method is to review one subject a day.
[单项选择]Three world-class tennis players came to (contend) for this title.
A. compete
B. argue
C. claim
D. wish
[简答题] Yet there are three days which are usually marked by some kind of special ceremony: the day we are born; the day we get married and the day we die.

[单项选择]Passage Five   The first three days of July 1863 saw the bloodiest hours of the Civil War, in a battle that spilled across the fields and hills surrounding Gettysburg, Pa. The fighting climaxed in the bright, hot afternoon of the third day, when more than 11, 000 Confederate soldiers mounted a disastrous assault on the heart of the Union line. That assault marked the farthest the South would penetrate into Union territory. In a much larger sense, it marked the turning point of the war.   No surprise, then, than the Battle of Gettysburg would become the subject of songs, poems, funeral monuments and, ultimately, some of the biggest paintings ever displayed on this continent. Paul Philippoteaux, famed for his massive360-degree cyclorama paintings, painted four versions of the battle in the 1880s. Cycloramas were hugely popular in the United States in the last decades of the 19th century, before movies displaced them in the public’s affection. Conceived on a mammoth scale, a cyclor
A. the reason for its occurrence
B. the significance of the battle
C. the place where it broke out
D. the bloodiness of the battle
[单项选择]He will get everything ready( ) three days.
A. after
B. for
C. in
D. since

Tom is going to leave the hotel in three days.
Tom is going to stay for another three days ()he leaves.


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