发布时间:2024-02-01 04:32:51

[单项选择]A: I like this apartment very much, but I’ll come back this evening with my wife and kids. Will that be convenient   B: ________
A. It’s good for you.
B. That’s fine with me.
C. It’s thoughtful of you.
D. That’s right.

更多"A: I like this apartment very much,"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What does the woman like very much
A. Swimming.
B. Shopping.
C. Travelling.
[填空题]Eileen admires Jerry very much and often tries to learn from him so as to improve her writing.

[简答题]Thank you very much for your invitation to attend the 2005 International Furniture Exhibi- tion. We are very pleased to accept and will plan to display our newly designed furniture as we did last year. As requested, we will send you by air the illustrated catalogues and the latest price list of our products. Some of our engineers and our sales manager will be in your city from April 2 to 7 to make specific arrangements and would very much appreciate your help.
[简答题]Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you all very much for giving me a chance to say something about myself on this special occasion. During the past four years since I took charge of the department, the sales volume of our products has grown fast and greatly and I am really proud of my department and staff. Sometimes some people ask me about the secret of such growth, and I always reply like this: it’s the harmony in the department.
[单项选择]We are very much impressed by the high quality and competitive price of your products.
A. 贵方产品质量上乘,竞争力强,因此给我们留下深刻印象。
B. 贵方生产出的产品质量上乘,价格低廉,我们对此深表感谢。
C. 我们很欣赏贵方产品的上乘质量,因此愿意出高价购买。
D. 我们对贵方产品的上乘质量和有竞争力的价格印象深刻。
[填空题]We want to visit the Great Wall very much.
[单项选择]Charles liked music very much when he was at school, but 41 he went to the university he decided to study medicine 42 music. When he passed his examinations and became a doctor, he had to work in a hospital for 43 . There he discovered that a lot of patients were happier if 44 music was played for them. When Charles got an office and began to work 45 himself, he decided to 46 his patients happy by having a tape recorder in his waiting room play beautiful music for them.
But 47 the tape recorder had been put in(安装), Charles’ nurse heard a woman complain in the crowded 48 , "Here we’re 49 waiting to see the doctor, and he’s just playing 50 piano in his office instead of doing his work. /

A. all
B. hardly
C. just


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