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发布时间:2023-10-01 09:36:52



Mental Retardation (智力迟钝)
Mental retardation is a condition in which people have lower than normal intelligence and are unable to function at the level expected for their age. People with mental retardation are usually born with it, or it develops early in their life. They may also have some difficulty with daily living skills such as learning to read and write and caring for themselves.
Doctors and other professionals determine that a person has mental retardation based on their intelligence and how well they can do everyday activities. Intelligence is the ability to learn and understand Levels of intelligence are measured by special tests called intelligence tests. The score a person gets on one of these tests gives a numerical (数字的) measure of a person’s intelligence. This is called an intelligence quotient (智商) or IQ.
An average score on an IQ test is about 90 to 110. a person with mental retardati
A. was born prematurely
B. has lower than normal intelligence
C. has low intelligence and low daily living skills
D. has normal intelligence but difficulties in learning

更多"第二篇 Mental Retardation (智力迟钝) "的相关试题:



Mental Retardation (智力迟钝)
Mental retardation is a condition in which people have lower than normal intelligence and are unable to function at the level expected for their age. People with mental retardation are usually born with it, or it develops early in their life. They may also have some difficulty with daily living skills such as learning to read and write and caring for themselves.
Doctors and other professionals determine that a person has mental retardation based on their intelligence and how well they can do everyday activities. Intelligence is the ability to learn and understand Levels of intelligence are measured by special tests called intelligence tests. The score a person gets on one of these tests gives a numerical (数字的) measure of a person’s intelligence. This is called an intelligence quotient (智商) or IQ.
An average score on an IQ test is about 90 to 110. a person with mental retardati
A. above 110 on an IQ test
B. 110 on an IQ test
C. 90 on an IQ test
D. below 75 on an IQ test


Mental Retardation (智力迟钝)
Mental retardation is a condition in which people have lower than normal intelligence and are unable to function at the level expected for their age. People with mental retardation are usually born with it, or it develops early in their life. They may also have some difficulty with daily living skills such as learning to read and write and caring for themselves.
Doctors and other professionals determine that a person has mental retardation based on their intelligence and how well they can do everyday activities. Intelligence is the ability to learn and understand Levels of intelligence are measured by special tests called intelligence tests. The score a person gets on one of these tests gives a numerical (数字的) measure of a person’s intelligence. This is called an intelligence quotient (智商) or IQ.
An average score on an IQ test is about 90 to 110. a person with mental retardation will usually score below 75 on an IQ te
A. was born prematurely.
B. has lower than normal intelligence.
C. has low intelligence and low daily living skills.
D. has normal intelligence but difficulties in learning.

A. 通里
B. 听宫
C. 腰阳关
D. 天柱
E. 环跳
[单项选择]第二篇    Mind-reading Machine   A team of researchers in California has developed a way to predict what kinds of objects people are looking at by scanning (扫描) what’s happening in their brains.   When you look at something, your eyes send a signal about that object to your brain. Different regions of the brain process the information your eyes send. Cells in your brain called neurons (神经元) are responsible for this processing.   The fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) (功能性磁振造影) brain scans could generally match electrical activity in the brain to the basic shape of a picture that someone was looking at.   Like cells anywhere else in your body, active neurons use oxygen. Blood brings oxygen to the neurons, and the more active a neuron is, the more oxygen it will consume. The more active a region of the brain, the more active its neurons, and in turn, the more blood will travel to that region. And by using fMRI, scientist
A. The magnetic system in the brain.
B. The central part of the heart.
C. Oxygen-rich blood.
D. Neurons in the brain.


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