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发布时间:2024-02-16 00:31:26

[简答题]"Designed by Apple in California Assembled in China" is etched into the glossy black of every iPhone. The designer is mourned and deified the world over, but the assemblers are huddled in anonymity. Indeed, the story of Apple’s rise over the last decade is as much America’s story as it is China’s. If Steve Jobs was the general who led the battle for global digital technology supremacy, then it took hundreds of thousands of his troops in factory overalls and to realize his vision with precision and consistency.   But kneading innovation in the abstract in Cupertino was realized as tangible devices in city-sized factory in Shenzhen, China. Commercialization of the sophisticated products, while successively lowering prices, would’ve been impossible without China’s essential role. The Chinese factory worker’s role in the Apple story should not obscure Steve Jobs monumental achievements as an innovator. Nor should those workers’ roles be marginalized in the breathless paeans to Jobs’s a

更多"'Designed by Apple in California As"的相关试题:


Passage One

Chinese Buddhist Music Catches Audience in HK
The Hong Kong Cultural Center in Victoria Bay was packed on Thursday night, and loud applause periodically echoed through the neon lit sky. It was not rock music nor was it pop—it was traditional Chinese Buddhist music that made an instant hit in the modern metropolis.
Hong Kong is the fourth leg of the Buddhist music performance tour by a troupe consisting of more than 130 monks from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan. And this is also the first time monks from across the Taiwan Strait had jointly set up a troupe to perform, on global stages.
Crowds of Hong King residents were lining up at the local port waiting to welcome members of the troupe who
A. It was welcomed like any other rock or pop music bands.
B. It was not as welcome as rock or pop music bands.
C. It was so welcome that it would visit Hong Kong for the fourth time.
D. It caused a great sensation among the local people.
[单项选择]Hundreds of cyclists assembled in Central Park in Pudong this morning to take part in the event.( )
A. appeared
B. walked
C. met
D. combined

An undersea fiber optic cable stretching from China to the United States in a loop system more than 25,000 kilometers underwater will soon expand China’s links with the world. The cable is expected to be completed in the year 2000.
This new fiber optic technology system will transmit voice, data and images at up to a total of 80 gigabits per second. The capacity of 80 gigabits per second is a massive speed advance on previous technology, and allows the transmission of more than one million calls simultaneously.
(61) The $1.5 billion China-US Cable Network, as it is called, provides a digital connection between China and the US, and overcomes the small fiber optic capacity which has been available, and which, among other things, affects the ability to expand Internet capacity. (Currently all links are via satellite). China Telecom has been trying for some time to set up a direct link with the US and this cable is a key project for the ninth Five-Year P

[填空题]The Confucius Institutes aim at promoting the Chinese language and culture overseas through Internet or ______ courses.
[填空题]Workshop to Focus on Grant Process
Laura Chin will present a workshop Thursday showing nonprofit groups how to apply for Neighborhood grants to further their community work. The Neighborhood program will provide several grants, using $20,000 of the district office’s community service funds and gifts of $5,000 each from Woodland Medical Center and Pavilion Insurance, Inc.
May 18 is the application deadline for the second round of endowments, which are expected to be awarded twice each fiscal year.
Thursday’s workshop will deal with application process and will answer questions about the program, which honors groups trying to beautify or improve their neighborhood. Chin established the matching grant program to encourage community volunteerism. Groups are required to match the grant amount with contribution of volunteer labor, materials and cash.
The workshop will begin at 10 a.m. at the 3rd District Council Office, 19040 market Street. To obtain a


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