发布时间:2023-12-09 01:42:31

[填空题]My daughter is looking forward to______(收到) letters from her friends.

更多"My daughter is looking forward to__"的相关试题:

[单项选择]"I (am looking) forward (to) (receive) your letter!" she said (happily).
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
[填空题]I’ll put forward my (suggest) ______ now so that he can have time to consider it before the meeting.
[单项选择]I wrote him a letter to show my ( ) of his thoughtfulness.
A. expectation
B. congratulation
C. attention
D. appreciation
[多项选择]This is my letter to the World
That never wrote to Me—
The simple News that Nature told—
With tender Majesty
A. Who is the author
B. What does "the World" mean
C. What does the author think about "Nature"
[单项选择]"This is my letter to the World" is a poem expressing Emily Dickinson's ______ about her communication with the outside world.
A. happiness
B. anger
C. anxiety
D. sorrow

M: I want to make sure my son receives this letter. It has an important certificate in it.
W: You can send it either by certified mail or registered mail. If you only want to make sure it is received, send it by certified mail. It’s less expensive.
M: OK. How about this package
W: What’s in it
M: A watch.
W: You should insure it for the value of the watch, and sent it by registered mail. It’s more expensive, but it’s the safest way.

What is in the letter( ).
A. A valuable book.
B. An important certificate.
C. A beautiful postcard.
D. An application form.
[填空题]We sent the letter by airmail 以便他们能及时收到.
It was a cold day. I sat in my room writing letters. I glanced out of the window. In the window directly opposite me stood Herr Stroh, gazing blatantly upon me. I was annoyed at his interest. I pulled down the blind and switched on the light to continue my writing. But the drawn blind and the artificial light irritated me, and suddenly I didn’ t see why I shouldn’ t write my letters by daylight without being stared at. I switched off the light and released the blind. Herr Stroh had gone. I concluded that he had taken my action as a signal of disapproval, and I settled back to write.
66. ____________
I left my room and went down to complain to Frau Lublonitsch.
"She’s gone to the market," Gertha said. "She’ 11 be back in half an hour."
67. ____________
"I shall tell Frau Chef," she said.
Something in her manner made me ask, "Has this ever happened before.’ "
"Once or twice this year," she said. "I’ 11 s
[单项选择]( ) his letter, I decided to write to my father again.
A. Not having received
B. Not receiving
C. Having not received
D. Receiving not
[填空题]Ann can’t (receive)()my letter, otherwise she would have replied before now.
[填空题]Mr. Green (not receive)()my letter, otherwise he would have replied by now.

第三节 短文理解 2
My sister and I looked forward to new clothes for the New Year. But one day my mother said, "Listen, children. We don’t have enough money now. So only one of you can get new clothes." he silence (寂静) lasted for a few minutes. My tears (眼泪) were coming out.
"OK, I have an idea," my sister said. "I’ll write ’new clothes’ on a piece of paper and ’nothing’ on another. We cast lots (抽签) to decide."
I agreed. While she was writing at the table. I found her clothes were old and she had grown too big for the clothes. I looked at my own. They were old, but still the right size for me.
"Pick one," my sister said.
I picked one and opened it. Two words ran into my eyes: NEW CLOTHES. I forgot my sad feelings and jumped up.
A few days later. I ran into the sitting room in my new clothes where my mother and my sister were reading. My sister gave
A. She wanted to have new clothes herself. 
B. She wanted the writer to have new clothes. 
C. She wanted her mother to have new clothes.


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