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发布时间:2023-12-16 19:03:41

[单项选择]Four and() half hours of discussion took us up to midnight, and break for cheese, chocolate and tea with sugar.
A. a; a
B. the; the
C. 不填;the
D. a;不填

更多"Four and() half hours of discussion"的相关试题:

[单项选择]He took us to an automobile (show) yesterday afternoon.
A. design
B. performance
C. race
D. exhibition
[单项选择]It took us along time to mend the house.( )
A. build
B. destroy
C. design
D. repair
[单项选择]They fulfilled the task in ______ it took us.
A. three-fourths time
B. three-fourths times
C. three-fourths the time
D. the three-fourths time
[单项选择]Passage Four
Birds are literally half-asleep--with one brain hemisphere alert and the other sleeping, according to a new study of sleeping ducks.
Earlier Studies have documented half-brain sleep in a wide range of birds. The brain hemispheres take turns sinking into the sleep stage characterized by slow brain waves. The eye controlled by the sleeping hemisphere keeps shut, while the wakeful hemisphere’s eye stays open and alert. Birds also can sleep with both hemispheres resting at once.
Decades of studies of bird flocks led researchers to predict extra alertness in the more vulnerable, end-of-the-row sleepers. Sure enough, the end birds tended to watch carefully on the side away from their companions. Ducks in the inner spots showed no preference for gaze direction.
Also, birds dozing (打盹) at the end of the line resorted to single-
A. half-brain sleep is found in all kinds of birds
B. half-brain sleep is characterized by accelerated brain waves
C. birds can control their half-brain sleep consciously
D. birds always sleep with the whole of their brain at rest
[填空题]In January, millions of youths took up the Do Something organization’s "Kind- ness & Justice Challenge", devoting ________________ to good deeds, like gathering supplies for schools in need.
[单项选择]Passage Four For many of us, asking for help is a difficult concept. We may feel as if we are admitting a weakness that world would not have known about, had we not asked for help. Ironically, it’s been my experience that people who are able to deliver well-positioned requests for help are seen as very strong individuals. When they demonstrate the humility(谦卑) to ask for help, they earn the respect of others. People who receive a heartfelt request for help are usually honored by the request. In turn, we are strengthened by the very help that is provided. One of my clients (we’ll call her Kira) recently made shift in how she was interacting with her boss. When asked to prepare presentations, she assumed that she was expected to go away, develop the content, deliver it at the required meeting and then wait for feedback from her boss. Her boss was highly regarded for the impact of his presentations, while Kira often that her presentations were lacking. When she took a hard l
A. are confident of themselves
B. do not trust other people
C. are ashamed of doing so
D. do not think it necessary
[填空题]It took me half an hour (write)______a well-arranged passage.
[填空题]It took me half an hour (write) ______ a well-arranged passage.


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