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发布时间:2024-07-27 06:21:08

[简答题]Question 11-20 Molting is one of the most involved processes of a bird’s annual life cycle. Notwithstanding preening and constant care, the marvelously intricate structure of a bird’s Feather inevitably wears out. All adult birds molt their feathers at least once a year, andLine upon close observation, one can recognize the frayed, ragged appearance of feathers that are nearing the end of their useful life. Two distinct processes are involved in molting. The first step is when the old, worn feather is dropped, or shed. The second is when a newfeather grows in its place. When each feather has been shed and replaced, then the moltcan be said to be complete. This, however, is an abstraction that often does not happen:incomplete, overlapping, and arrested molts are quite common. Molt requires that a bird find and process enough protein to rebuild approximatelyone-third of its body weight. It is not surprising that a bird in heavy molt often seemslistless and unwell. But far fr
A. A.birds prepare for breeding
B.bird feathers differ from species
C.birds shed and replace their feathers
D.birds are affected by seasonal changes

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[简答题]Question 11-20 Molting is one of the most involved processes of a bird’s annual life cycle. Notwithstanding preening and constant care, the marvelously intricate structure of a bird’s Feather inevitably wears out. All adult birds molt their feathers at least once a year, andLine upon close observation, one can recognize the frayed, ragged appearance of feathers that are nearing the end of their useful life. Two distinct processes are involved in molting. The first step is when the old, worn feather is dropped, or shed. The second is when a newfeather grows in its place. When each feather has been shed and replaced, then the moltcan be said to be complete. This, however, is an abstraction that often does not happen:incomplete, overlapping, and arrested molts are quite common. Molt requires that a bird find and process enough protein to rebuild approximatelyone-third of its body weight. It is not surprising that a bird in heavy molt often seemslistless and unwell. But far fr
A. A.despite
B.because of
C.instead of

[多项选择]For Question 13, select one entry from the corresponding column of choices for each blank. Fill all blanks in the way that best completes the text.
[填空题]Answer the question below with only one word. What bird lifts heavy things
[单项选择]She eventually married the most persistent one of her admirers.( )
A. in a way
B. in due course
C. in the end
D. in any case
Passage One

One of the most interesting experiments in electronic communication I’ve ever seen is coming from Wave. It’s real-time e-mail. What that means is that as you’re typing a message in Wave, either a new message or a reply, the person you’re writing to can see what you’re typing as you type it. Sounds awful, right
You don’t have to use Wave in this real-time way. It also works as a standard e-mail. What’s really different about Wave is that if you’re replying to a message and the person you’re replying to happen to be online, they can jump into the conversation at that point, and change what is an e-mail conversation into an instant message conversation or a chat.
Wave right now is still closed to most users. And Wave isn’t yet connected to other communication systems, like regular e-mail, which means that the only people we can Wave with are other people on Wave as well. So we don’t yet know what using Wave will be like
A. It makes people see each other online.
B. It enables people to send real-time e-mails.
C. It allows you to send more e-mails at the same time.
D. It can be easily connected to other communication systems.
Rules of Self-introduction

The most important one is: focus on one speech topic. If you have to come up with a very brief 30~60 seconds or a somewhat longer—two or three minutes--self-introduction, make sharp choices. Do not expect it to be an award winning boring autobiography (自传).Due to the fact you have to speak your speech around one theme, I recommend to develop one aspect of your life. That aspect will tell who you are and what you are about.
[填空题]The most important one of Jazz’s characteristics is the two "blue" notes.


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