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发布时间:2024-07-28 07:25:51

[单项选择]It will be a big help if you go to the store and get what we need for dinner. ________, I will set the table.
A. As a result
B. On the whole
C. In the meanwhile
D. As a matter of fact

更多"It will be a big help if you go to "的相关试题:


W: Friendship Department Store. May I help you
M: Yes, could you tell me when the store closes today
W: We close at 7:30.
M: I see. And when do you open
W: Nine o’clock on the weekend.
M: Fine. Thank you very much.

What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers( ).
A. Receptionist and customer.
B. Waitress and customer.
C. Salesperson and customer.
D. Nurse and patient.
[简答题]And may trouble avoid you wherever you go!
[填空题]You see it when you go to the cinema.

[简答题]Museum Did you go to museums when you were younger
[简答题]Museum Did you go to museums when you were younger

Do you feel terrified when you go for a job interview I think we all feel the same way to a greater or lesser extent.
It’s natural for us, during the course of the interview, to think of the reasons why we shouldn’t get the job rather than why we should, for example, the qualifications aren’t quite right, the job sounds far too demanding, can I take the responsibility Have I been out of the workforce for too long Instead of concentrating on your weaknesses, concentrate on your strengths. Instead of worrying about the fact that you’re "too old", think about all the wisdom and experience you can bring to a job which a younger person perhaps can’t.
It’s a good idea to spend some time trying to sort out what the employer wants. Don’t go into an interview "blind"—do some homework. Even if the job functions seem obvious, make a list of them starting with the most important ones. Then under each function

[填空题]You go somewhere on foot.

[简答题]University: Where Will You Go
[填空题]What time can you go if you want to repair your broken machines
8:00 AM--5:00 PM ______.


M: You look tired. Where did you go last night
W: I planned to watch a film, but I went to meet my friend at the airport.

What did the woman do ( )
A. She went to the airport.
B. She was busy on her assignment.
C. She went to watch a movie.
D. She went to see her friend.


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