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发布时间:2023-09-30 21:53:33

[简答题]PART 2 & 3Describe how to use a library. How do children benefit from going to public libraries How can the elderly benefit from libraries Where is the school located What do classrooms look like

更多"PART 2 & 3Describe how to use a lib"的相关试题:

[简答题]PART 2 & 3Describe how to use a library. How do children benefit from going to public libraries How can the elderly benefit from libraries Where is the school located What do classrooms look like
[简答题]part 2& 3Describe how to use a library. How do children benefit from going to public libraries How can the elderly benefit from libraries Where is the school located What do classrooms look like
[简答题]Part 2&3Describe how to use a library. How do children benefit from going to public libraries How can the elderly benefit from libraries Where is the school located What do classrooms look like
[简答题]Part 2&3Describe a parent How do working parents take care of their kids What are the differences on taking care of children between men and women What do children care most about their parents
[简答题]part 2 & 3Describe a website you often use How important is the internet to u What is the influence the internet has on teenagers what do elderly people often do online What is the difference between boys and girls when they surf on the internet
[简答题]part 2 & 3Describe a sport. How do sports benefit students Do you think Chinese people pay enough attention to sports Do sports bring positive or negative effects on the relationship between different countries
[简答题]part 2 & 3Describe a family event How do you define happiness
[简答题]part 2 & 3 Describe a family event How do you define happiness Describe a recent event that has made you happy Do you think money is important Do you think money can give you happiness Can old people get happiness? Describe a physical activity What are your favorite physical activities Why do you like them What kind of sports do you usually engage yourself in Why do you prefer to go to the gym Describe a recent change in your life Do old people like to change their lives Do young people like changes What’s your opinion towards switching jobs on a regular basis Describe a walk that you had Describe an exercise u recommend for people to keep health. Are there any PE courses in your university What about in your high school and primary school Do u think people would agree that the government should pay for improving public health condition
[简答题]part 2& 3Describe a peaceful place. (How often do you go there What do you do there Explain why you like it.
[简答题]PART 2 & 3Describe a peaceful place. (How often do you go there What do you do there Explain why you like it.)
[简答题]Part 2&3Describe a peaceful place. (How often do you go there What do you do there Explain why you like it.)
[简答题]Part 2&3Describe a useful website Part3 What do you think about the internet What do different age groups of people do on the internet What is people’s life like with/ without the internet What are the differences between young people and elders on surfing on the Internet
[简答题]Part 2&3Describe an important message Part3 Do you think communication skills are important Does the way people from different age groups communicate vary In what way people normally communicate with each other
[简答题]part 2 & 3Describe an advertisement How many ways are there to advertise Which one is the best and popular What do you think if consumers will have to pay for advertisement If you disagree with this, then do you think advertisement should be banned What are the advantages and disadvantages of advertisement What will happen if advertisements get banned
[简答题]part 2 & 3 Describe your hobbies Why do you have this hobby
[简答题]part 2 & 3Describe an outdoor activity Do you like indoor activities or ourdoor activities What is the difference Nowadays people are busy with their work or study, how could we make good use of time to do outdoor activities


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