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发布时间:2024-07-05 01:14:00

[简答题] can survive in droughtenvironment

更多"can survive in droughtenvironment"的相关试题:

[单项选择]South American flamingos can survive in temperatures () above the freeing point.
A. that fewer degrees
B. if few degrees
C. only a few degrees
D. when fewer degrees
[填空题]Animals can not survive some catastrophic events such as starvation, disease, or competition from other species.

[填空题]The leaves of evergreens can survive the winter because they are ______and fluid inside their cells contains cold-resisting substances.


Some desert animals can survive the summer heat and dryness because they are very unusual. The camel, for example, can experience and bear an increase in the temperature of its body and its blood of 9°C without anything bad happening to it. In addition, it can drink a lot of water at one time; then store enough water in parts of its body to supply its needs for two weeks or more. The kangaroo rat, on the other hand, gets all the water it needs from water that it produces when it breathes. However, most animals need to maintain a fairly constant body temperature, and will die if it rises more than 5°C. Therefore, they need to find some way to stay away from the heat of the summer sun. Nor can many animals either store or produce water in their bodies, as the camel and kangaroo rat can. So they must find ways to keep their bodies from losing water because of the heat. Because very few desert animals can survive the high temperature of a typical summer’s day, most of t
A. a very low body temperature
B. only a little change in body temperature
C. a big increase in body temperature
D. a constant change in body temperature

[填空题]There is little chance that mankind would survive a nuclear war.
[填空题]Is the need for love to survive temporary
[单项选择]Wild eagles that survive to adulthood are believed ...... from 20 to 30 years. (a)live (b)to live (c)they live (d)their living
[单项选择]To survive in the intense trade competition between countries, we must ______ the qualities and varieties of products we make to the world market demand.
A. improve
B. enhance
C. guarantee
D. gear
[单项选择] Earth Will Survive Global Warming, But Will We
The notion that human activity, or the activity of any organism, can affect Earth on a planetary scale is still a hard one for many people to swallow. And it is this kind of disbelief that fuels much of the public skepticism surrounding global warming.
A poll conducted last summer by the Pew Research Center found that only 41 percent of Americans believe the burning of fossil fuels causes global warming. But in a meeting this week in Paris, officials from 113 nations have agreed that a highly anticipated international report will state that global warming was "very likely" caused by human activity. The idea that biology can alter the planet in broad and dramatic ways is widely accepted among scientists, and they point to several precedents throughout the history of life.
The mighty microbes
Human-caused global warming--also called "anthropogenic" global warmi
A. recognized by most people
B. neglected by most people
C. died out from the Earth
D. out of action of the Earth system


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