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发布时间:2023-10-25 06:24:45

[填空题]What has already been put into production The ______ in the order.

更多"What has already been put into prod"的相关试题:

[简答题]The price of vegetable has been rising steadily this month, as the supply is insufficient to meet the demand. (4分)
[单项选择]Which of the following has NOT been affected by the wildfires
A. Houses.
B. Land.
C. Skies.
D. Cars.
[单项选择]What statement has been issued by the Pentagon
A. The military will withdraw from Iraq.
B. The military is prepared to protect its personnel.
C. There is no need to worry about the Bio-weapons attack at present.
D. American troops will be equipped with better bio-weapons.
[单项选择]What progress has been made in their negotiations
A. Israeli troops can stay on in the West Bank.
B. Israel has released thousands of prisoners.
C. PLO and Israel have made a final agreement.
D. Agreement has been reached on the future of Hebron.
[单项选择]What change has been made in the marketing arrangement
A. A new consultancy has been contracted.
B. A new director has been appointed.
C. The present department has been expanded.
[单项选择]What measure has been taken to help Gypsy children()
A. They are now taught in their own language.
B. They are now allowed to attend local schools.
C. Special schools have been set up for them.
D. Permanent homes have been built for them.
[单项选择]What measure has been taken to reduce car accidents()
A. Improved highway design.
B. Better public transportation.
C. Regular driver training.
D. Stricter traffic regulations.
[填空题]In recent years much more emphasis has been put on (develop) ______ the students’ productive skills.
[单项选择]What has been indicated by this incident
A. South Africa is a non-racial democracy.
B. Racism is still a problem in South Africa.
C. Police in South Africa react quickly to any criminal acts.
D. South Africa is still a dangerous place.
[单项选择]What measure has been taken in San Francisco to reduce the destruction of school property()
A. Punishing students who damage school property.
B. Rewarding schools that have decreased the destruction.
C. Promoting teachers who can prevent the destruction.
D. Cutting the budget for repairs and replacements.
[单项选择]Science Academy study: It has been demonstrated that with natural methods, some well-managed farms are able to reduce the amounts of synthetic fertilizer and pesticide and also of antibiotics they use without necessarily decreasing yields; in some cases yields can be increased.
Critics: Not so. The farms the academy selected to study were the ones that seemed most likely to be successful in using natural methods. What about the farmers who have tried such methods and failed
Which one of the following is the most adequate evaluation of the logical force of the critics’ response
A. Success and failure in farming are rarely due only to luck, because farming is the management of chance occurrences.
B. The critics show that the result of the study would have been different if twice as many farms had been studied.
C. The critics assume without justification that the failures were not due to soil quality.
D. The critics demonstrate that natural methods are not suitable for the majority of farmers.
E. (E) The issue is only to show that something is possible, so it is not relevant whether the instances studied were representative.
[简答题]For what purpose has an emergency grant been awarded to some UK researchers
What has the man been doing
A. Having an interview.
B. Filling out a form.
C. Talking with his friend.
D. Asking for information.

What has been done traditionally better in America ______.


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