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发布时间:2024-08-20 04:27:00

Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.
Many a myth has grown up around the brain’s asymmetry(不对称现象). 71. The left cerebral hemisphere is supposed to be the coldly logical, verbal and dominant half of the brain, while the right developed a reputation as the imaginative side, emotional, spatially aware but suppressed. Two personalities in one head. Yin and Yang, hero and villain.
To most neuroscientists, of course, these notions are seen as simplistic at best and nonsense at worst. So there was general satisfaction when a couple of years ago, a simple brain scanner test appeared to reveal the true story about one of neurology’s greatest puzzles: Exactly what is the difference between the two sides of the human brain Some clinical neurologists had been pursuing the idea that the difference between the two hemispheres lay in their style of working.
The left-brain

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Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2.
Man first appeared on the earth about 2 million years ago. Then he was little more than an animal; but early man had a big advantage over the animals. He had in his brain special groups of nerve cells, not present in animals that enabled him to invent a language and use it to communicate with his fellow men. 46) This ability to speak was of great value because it allowed men to share ideas, and to plan together, so that tasks impossible for a single person could be successfully undertaken by intelligent team-work. Speech also enabled ideas to be passed on from generation to generation so that the stock of human knowledge slowly increased.
It was this special ability that put men far ahead of other living creatures in the struggle for existence. 47) He master
Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then translate each underlined part into Chinese.
71. It was not until modern scholarship uncovered the secret of reading Middle English that we could understand that Chaucer, far from being a rude versifier, was a perfectly accomplished technician, and that his verse is rich in music and elegant to the highest degree. 72. Chaucer’s own urbane personality is a delight to encounter in his books. He is avowedly a bookworm, yet few poets observe nature with more freshness and delight. He is a master of genial satire but can sympathize with true piety and goodness with as much pleasure as he attacks the hypocritical.
73. It is not an uncommon estimate of Chaucer that he must be counted among the few greatest of English poets. In range of interest he is surpassed only by Shakespeare. He was recognized already in the Renaissance, when it came to England, as the Father of En


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